Where Plainfield turns for news.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Important Council meeting tonight: see McWilliams, Bernice, Olddoc.. Storch counters Green's misinformation.. Maria: BOE agenda..


Obituary:  "Stan and 'Sue' Brown, of Stan's Locks & M.O.P.U.P." -- They died within weeks of each other; condolences may be expressed online here.
Editorial, Courier:  "Plainfield can't afford failures in filling key finance posts"
Charter Schools:  "Though some derailed, Plainfield's Obama Green HS charter approved"
Restaurant:  "Family Soul Spot hits the spot" -- In Scott Drugs building, BBQ sells out daily.
OPRA:  "Though Christie hasn't signed it yet, costs are dropping to meet new law"

Christie 'Tool kit':  "Senate committee to take up 'tool kit' bills"
9/11 Curriculum:  "How do you teach a tragedy?"
-- From NJ Spotlight.
Charter Schools:  "Proposal would give Rutgers approval authority"
NJ Council on the Arts:  "Questions on ethics, fulfilling duties emerge"
NJ Oil Spills:  "NJ Senate looks to boost liability for spills to $1 billion" -- From NJ Spotlight.
Obama:  "NJ Poll: Democrats' disenchantment grows"
Property Taxes:  "Bill would let towns take income tax refunds of those late on taxes"
Profile:  "Sen. Bob Smith, Environment & Energy chair" -- Once represented Plainfield in Assembly.

'Mile-a-minute Weed':  "It's weevil vs. weed in Union County"

Plainfield observers (click on name to go to post): Bernice posts a scary-looking Hornworm pic, reminiscent of Alice's but without a hookah. Olddoc spots a number of key items in tonight's Council agenda. Maria takes a break from her break to link to tomorrow's BOE agenda. Councilor Storch sets the record straight on recent distortions by Assemblyman Jerry Green of his role as a mental health professional.  Councilor Mapp writes to correct the misinformation campaign about his position on Recreation. Councilor McWilliams outlines 6 important matters on Monday's Council agenda.. Plainfield Sports News, back in the saddle again, finds Atlanta holding off Sky Blue FC.

Don't miss these personal blogs by Plainfielders, each with a point of view: Rebecca Williams' Confessions of a Bathrobe Blogger; BOE member Renata Hernandez blogs anew at new blog Standing In The Gap;  her daughter Milani Hernandez is at PEPTalk: A PPS pupil's perspective; Jackie Schnoop's The (TV) Show Must Go On, continuing Big Brother 12, live feeds and blog party -- get a load of those comment numbers; and Dottie Gutenkauf's Dottie G Sez. There are two personal blogs concerned with the Plainfield public schools: Dr. E=MC², wonders if District has done a 360ยบ turn, meaning things are back as they were under Gallon; and Eye on Plainfield Schools.

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  • Camp Discovery Day CampMonday - Friday, June 28 - July 23. 9 AM - 3 PM. For children 8 - 11 (entering grades 3, 4 and 5). Arts, swimming, field trips, drama, community gardening, plus learning experiences in reading, science and math. Cost: $25-$150/week (sliding scale - scholarships available). Registration: $35, includes first week and camp T-shirt. Sponsored by United Plainfield CDC and UCC-Congregational. At United Church of Christ, Congregational. West 7th Street and Madison Avenue. Camp director: Eric Halpern. Info: (908) 755-8658..

  • Today - July 19. 8 PM. City Council Business Meeting. City Council Chambers/Courthouse. Watchung Avenue and East 4th Street. Public may speak at beginning and end of meeting.

  • Tomorrow - July 20. 6 PM. Mayor's Anti-Violence Program. Volunteers gather at City Hall to be bused to various neighborhoods to knock on doors, hand out fliers and speak with residents about their concerns. Info: (908) 753-3310 or see here.

  • Tomorrow - July 20. 8 PM. Board of Ed Business Meeting. At the PHS Auditorium, Park and Stelle Avenues. Agendas are online at www.plainfieldnjk12.org/. Public welcome.

  • Wednesday - July 21. 7 - 9 PM. Family Movie Night: The Lion King. Presented by the Plainfield Public Schools. At Washington Community School, 427 Darrow Avenue. (Parking available in the Spooner Avenue lot.) FREE.

  • Wednesday - July 21. 7:30 PM. Cultural & Heritage Commission. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue (parking in lot at rear of building). Public invited.

  • Thursday - July 22. 7 PM. Cable TV Advisory Board. At City Hall Library, 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry in lot behind  behind building. Public welcome.

  • Monday - July 26. 6:30 PM. POP/Restore Muhlenberg Coalition. Planning commemoration of the anniversary of Muhlenberg's closing (set for Aug. 11) and discussing next steps in light of Supreme Court's refusal to hear appeal of closure. At duCret School of Art, 1030 Central Avenue. Parking and entrance to Hall off parking lot at rear of complex.
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