Where Plainfield turns for news.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Olddodc tries to use the City website; plus background on the Yazidis.. Bernice: Council faces two issues tonight; Plea to fix city website.. Jackie: BB16 live foods overnight..


Plainfield YMCA:  "Tri-County Chamber members feed homeless at YMCA"
Fatal Shooting:  "Suspects sought in Saturday shooting" -- Courier | Ledger | NBC |

Atlantic City:  "Revel wanted to shut down casino this week"

NJ's Favorita Authors:  "Top Ten from NJ Spotlight readers" -- Including Judy Blume, whose Plainfield novel, Wifey, you should read if you haven't already.
NJ & Tobacco Bonds:  "How Wall Street deals left NJ with billions in toxic debt" -- Christie will be long gone.
Sandy Relief:  "How Mary Pat Christie's fund has spent $33M on relief"
Missouri Police Shooting --
Women in Ministry:  "Turbulent work history doesn't shake faith in a calling"


[BERNICE] Council faces two issues tonight; Plea to fix city website.

[OLDDOC] tries to use the City website; plus background on the Yazidis.

[JACKIE] BB16 live foods overnight.