Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
TODAY. 5:30 PM. FREE Community Barbecue honoring City Council candidates Adrian Mapp and Annie McWilliams. North Carolina-style Chicken and Fish Fry. At the home of Adrian & Amelia Mapp, 535 West 8th Street. All are welcome.
Today - May 31. 1 - 6 PM. Benefit Wine Tasting for the Red Cross. Help support the Tri-County Red Cross. At Wine Country, Route 22 West, North Plainfield. Admission free. For more information, see the Red Cross website.
Tomorrow - June 1. 1 - 4 PM. Beer, Blues & BBQ. Sample award-winning, specialty and seasonal beers from around the world, along with your favorite summertime BBQ foods and the live music of Barry Blues and Guests. Sponsored by the Friends of the Plainfield Public Library. Proceeds will help fund renovation of the Library's Children's Room and support literacy efforts. At The Pillars, 922 Central Avenue. Tickets: $25/adult, $12.50/12 and under. Info: (908) 756-0310.
Monday - June 2. 6:30 PM. Save Muhlenberg Planning Meeting. 'Save Muhlenberg' participants meet to continue planning for the June 5 hearing at Plainfield High School. Want to get reps from surrrounding communities to this meeting to get the word out and guarantee another full house for the State's second hearing. At duCret School of the Arts, 1030 Central Avenue.
Tuesday - June 3. 6 AM - 8 PM. Primary Election Day.
Plainfield Trees: "Horse Chestnuts" is tree guru's newest entry.
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch posts his view of the downtown March and Rally to Save Muhlenberg (here); and Councilor Rashid Burney blogs (here). Schools:
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Today - May 30. 6 - 11 PM. 7th Annual Chamber of Commerce Gala. Join with members from Plainfield's business community in celebrating achievements in community distinction and service to the Chamber as well as 'Entrepreneur of the Year'. Dinner, awards and election of officers. $100/person. At the Pillars of Plainfield, 922 Central Avenue. Info: (908) 753--0922.
Today - May 30. 7 PM. Film: The Smith Family. Final film in FUSP's Spring series. The movie documents the struggle of a devout Mormon family whose lives are shattered by HIV and AIDS caused by the father's infidelities with men. Popcorn, drinks and childcare provided. At First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, 724 Park Avenue. FREE.
Tomorrow , May 31. 1 - 6 PM. Benefit Wine Tasting for the Red Cross. Help support the Tri-County Red Cross. At Wine Country, Route 22 West, North Plainfield. Admission free. For more information, see the Red Cross website.
Sunday - June 1. 1 - 4 PM. Beer, Blues & BBQ. Sample award-winning, specialty and seasonal beers from around the world, along with your favorite summertime BBQ foods and the live music of Barry Blues and Guests. Sponsored by the Friends of the Plainfield Public Library. Proceeds will help fund renovation of the Library's Children's Room and support literacy efforts. At The Pillars, 922 Central Avenue. Tickets: $25/adult, $12.50/12 and under. Info: (908) 756-0310.
Monday - June 2. 6:30 PM. Save Muhlenberg Planning Meeting. 'Save Muhlenberg' participants meet to continue planning for the June 5 hearing at Plainfield High School. Want to get reps from surrrounding communities to this meeting to get the word out and guarantee another full house for the State's second hearing. At duCret School of the Arts, 1030 Central Avenue.
Tuesday - June 3. 6 AM - 8 PM. Primary Election Day.
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch posts his view of the downtown March and Rally to Save Muhlenberg (here); and Councilor Rashid Burney blogs (here). Schools:
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Tomorrow - May 30. 6 - 11 PM. 7th Annual Chamber of Commerce Gala. Join with members from Plainfield's business community in celebrating achievements in community distinction and service to the Chamber as well as 'Entrepreneur of the Year'. Dinner, awards and election of officers. $100/person. At the Pillars of Plainfield, 922 Central Avenue. Info: (908) 753--0922.
Tomorrow - May 30. 7 PM. Film: The Smith Family. Final film in FUSP's Spring series. The movie documents the struggle of a devout Mormon family whose lives are shattered by HIV and AIDS caused by the father's infidelities with men. Popcorn, drinks and childcare provided. At First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, 724 Park Avenue. FREE.
Saturday, May 31. 1 - 6 PM. Benefit Wine Tasting for the Red Cross. Help support the Tri-County Red Cross. At Wine Country, Route 22 West, North Plainfield. Admission free. For more information, see the Red Cross website.
Sunday - June 1. 1 - 4 PM. Beer, Blues & BBQ. Sample award-winning, specialty and seasonal beers from around the world, along with your favorite summertime BBQ foods and the live music of Barry Blues and Guests. Sponsored by the Friends of the Plainfield Public Library. Proceeds will help fund renovation of the Library's Children's Room and support literacy efforts. At The Pillars, 922 Central Avenue. Tickets: $25/adult, $12.50/12 and under. Info: (908) 756-0310.
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch posts his view of the downtown March and Rally to Save Muhlenberg (here); and Councilor Rashid Burney blogs (here). Friends of the Library: "Library group offers beer, blues, barbecue" -- Yes, yes and yes. Be there or be square. McGreeveys:
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Today - May 28. 3 - 7 PM. GREEN: A K-12 Science Showcase. Student exhibits explore the science behind going 'green'. Sponsored by the Plainfield Public Schools. At the ESC Auditorium (Jefferson School), 1200 Myrtle Avenue. FREE. All are welcome.
Today - May 28. 7:30 PM. Plainfield Shade Tree Commission. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Friday - May 30. 6 - 11 PM. 7th Annual Chamber of Commerce Gala. Join with members from Plainfield's business community in celebrating achievements in community distinction and service to the Chamber as well as 'Entrepreneur of the Year'. Dinner, awards and election of officers. $100/person. At the Pillars of Plainfield, 922 Central Avenue. Info: (908) 753--0922.
Friday - May 30. 7 PM. Film: The Smith Family. Final film in FUSP's Spring series. The movie documents the struggle of a devout Mormon family whose lives are shattered by HIV and AIDS caused by the father's infidelities with men. Popcorn, drinks and childcare provided. At First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, 724 Park Avenue. FREE.
Saturday, May 31. 1 - 6 PM. Benefit Wine Tasting for the Red Cross. Help support the Tri-County Red Cross. At Wine Country, Route 22 West, North Plainfield. Admission free. For more information, see the Red Cross website.
Sunday - June 1. 1 - 4 PM. Beer, Blues & BBQ. Sample award-winning, specialty and seasonal beers from around the world, along with your favorite summertime BBQ foods and the live music of Barry Blues and Guests. Sponsored by the Friends of the Plainfield Public Library. Proceeds will help fund renovation of the Library's Children's Room and support literacy efforts. At The Pillars, 922 Central Avenue. Tickets: $25/adult, $12.50/12 and under. Info: (908) 756-0310.
PLAINFIELD For a REAL candidate forum, hosted by a REAL organization, come out tonight to the Plainfield Public Library at 7:00 PM. A candidate forum hosted by the Netherwood Heights Neighbors, the association for the Netherwood Heights Historic District.
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Wednesday - May 28. 3 - 7 PM. GREEN: A K-12 Science Showcase. Student exhibits explore the science behind going 'green'. Sponsored by the Plainfield Public Schools. At the ESC Auditorium (Jefferson School), 1200 Myrtle Avenue. FREE. All are welcome.
Wednesday - May 28. 7:30 PM. Plainfield Shade Tree Commission. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Friday - May 30. 6 - 11 PM. 7th Annual Chamber of Commerce Gala. Join with members from Plainfield's business community in celebrating achievements in community distinction and service to the Chamber as well as 'Entrepreneur of the Year'. Dinner, awards and election of officers. $100/person. At the Pillars of Plainfield, 922 Central Avenue. Info: (908) 753--0922.
Friday - May 30. 7 PM. Film: The Smith Family. Final film in FUSP's Spring series. The movie documents the struggle of a devout Mormon family whose lives are shattered by HIV and AIDS caused by the father's infidelities with men. Popcorn, drinks and childcare provided. At First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, 724 Park Avenue. FREE.
Saturday, May 31. 1 - 6 PM. Benefit Wine Tasting for the Red Cross. Help support the Tri-County Red Cross. At Wine Country, Route 22 West, North Plainfield. Admission free. For more information, see the Red Cross website.
Sunday - June 1. 1 - 4 PM. Beer, Blues & BBQ. Sample award-winning, specialty and seasonal beers from around the world, along with your favorite summertime BBQ foods and the live music of Barry Blues and Guests. Sponsored by the Friends of the Plainfield Public Library. Proceeds will help fund renovation of the Library's Children's Room and support literacy efforts. At The Pillars, 922 Central Avenue. Tickets: $25/adult, $12.50/12 and under. Info: (908) 756-0310.
Tuesday - June 3. 6 AM - 8 PM. Primary Election Day.
Councilors are blogging: This week, Councilor Cory Storch posts his view of Saturday's March and Rally to Save Muhlenberg (here); and Councilor Rashid Burney blogs (here). Muhlenberg - Letter: Dr. Brian Fertig: "State owes Muhlenberg and Plainfield a fair chance" GI Bill - Editorial, SL: "A fitting tribute to veterans" -- And shame on George W. Bush if he doesn't give these vets a GI Bill.
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Today - May 26. 3 - 6:30 PM. Save Muhlenberg Planning Meeting. 'Save Muhlenberg' participants meet to plan for publicizing the June 5 hearing at Plainfield High School. Want to get reps from surrrounding communities to this meeting to get the word out and guarantee another full house for the State's second hearing. At duCret School of the Arts, 1030 Central Avenue.
Wednesday - May 28. 3 - 7 PM. GREEN: A K-12 Science Showcase. Student exhibits explore the science behind going 'green'. Sponsored by the Plainfield Public Schools. At the ESC Auditorium (Jefferson School), 1200 Myrtle Avenue. FREE. All are welcome.
Wednesday - May 28. 7:30 PM. Plainfield Shade Tree Commission. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Friday - May 30. 6 - 11 PM. 7th Annual Chamber of Commerce Gala. Join with members from Plainfield's business community in celebrating achievements in community distinction and service to the Chamber as well as 'Entrepreneur of the Year'. Dinner, awards and election of officers. $100/person. At the Pillars of Plainfield, 922 Central Avenue. Info: (908) 753--0922.
Friday - May 30. 7 PM. Film: The Smith Family. Final film in FUSP's Spring series. The movie documents the struggle of a devout Mormon family whose lives are shattered by HIV and AIDS caused by the father's infidelities with men. Popcorn, drinks and childcare provided. At First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, 724 Park Avenue. FREE.
Saturday, May 31. 1 - 6 PM. Benefit Wine Tasting for the Red Cross. Help support the Tri-County Red Cross. At Wine Country, Route 22 West, North Plainfield. Admission free. For more information, see the Red Cross website.
Sunday - June 1. 1 - 4 PM. Beer, Blues & BBQ. Sample award-winning, specialty and seasonal beers from around the world, along with your favorite summertime BBQ foods and the live music of Barry Blues and Guests. Sponsored by the Friends of the Plainfield Public Library. Proceeds will help fund renovation of the Library's Children's Room and support literacy efforts. At The Pillars, 922 Central Avenue. Tickets: $25/adult, $12.50/12 and under. Info: (908) 756-0310.
Tuesday - June 3. 6 AM - 8 PM. Primary Election Day.
Plainfield Trees: New this week -- "Horse Chestnuts" is tree guru's newest entry.
Councilors are blogging: This week, Councilor Cory Storch posts his view of Saturday's March and Rally to Save Muhlenberg (here); and Councilor Rashid Burney blogs (here). Plainfield Fire Division: "200 Club: Honoring the protectors" -- Valor awards went to these Plainfield firefighters: Acting Lt. Richard Campanelli and Firefighter Pietro Martino, and Lt. David W. Jackson and Firefighter John Pellegrino. Memorial Day: "They wore the shackles of war" Vacations: "Shore's a sure thing as many vacation plans run out of gas" Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email.
Wednesday - May 28. 7:30 PM. Plainfield Shade Tree Commission. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Friday - May 30. 6 - 11 PM. 7th Annual Chamber of Commerce Gala. Join with members from Plainfield's business community in celebrating achievements in community distinction and service to the Chamber as well as 'Entrepreneur of the Year'. Dinner, awards and election of officers. $100/person. At the Pillars of Plainfield, 922 Central Avenue. Info: (908) 753--0922.
Friday - May 30. 7 PM. Film: The Smith Family. Final film in FUSP's Spring series. The movie documents the struggle of a devout Mormon family whose lives are shattered by HIV and AIDS caused by the father's infidelities with men. Popcorn, drinks and childcare provided. At First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, 724 Park Avenue. FREE.
Got an event to publicize? Click here and send me the details.
Plainfield resident since 1983. Retired as the city's Public Information Officer in 2006; prior to that Community Programs Coordinator for the Plainfield Public Library. Founding member and past president of: Faith, Bricks & Mortar; Residents Supporting Victorian Plainfield; and PCO (the outreach nonprofit of Grace Episcopal Church). Supporter of the Library, Symphony and Historic Society as well as other community groups, and active in Democratic politics.
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