Plainfield Plaintalker: "BOE: Contract discussion tonight"| "LWV: Herb Green becomes president" Crescent Times: "Dr. Gallon's challenges ahead" | "Got milk?" -- On the new containers. Doc's Potpourri: "An ode to Maria" | "By Request: Perce on the Gaspé Peninsula" Save Muhlenberg: Today. 6:30 PM. Save Muhlenberg Meeting. 'Save Muhlenberg' participants plan next steps in light of the recommendation of the State Health Planning Board to Commissioner Heather Howard. At duCret School of the Arts, 1030 Central Avenue. Plainfield Trees: Plainfield tree guru Greg Palermo's recent post is on "Fringetrees". Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch starts a series on 'Pay-to-Play' with an instalment on the 'Corruption Tax' (here) and Councilor Rashid Burney writes (here). Kayak Fatality: "Missing Plainfielder's body found near Manasquan Bridge" -- Ledger | Courier
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
NOTE: Today - June 30. 6:30 PM. Save Muhlenberg Meeting. 'Save Muhlenberg' participants plan next steps in light of the recommendation of the State Health Planning Board to Commissioner Heather Howard. At duCret School of the Arts, 1030 Central Avenue.
Today - June 30. 7 PM. BOE: Special Meeting. Discussion and action on several items, including new Superintendent Steve Gallon III's contract. At PHS Library, 950 Park Avenue. Public invited.
Today - June 30. 8 PM. City Council: Special Meeting. Expected renewal of several liquor licenses, plus a King's Temple CDC item. At City Hall Library, 515 Watchung Avenue. Public invited.
NOTE: Monday - June 30. 6:30 PM. Save Muhlenberg Meeting. 'Save Muhlenberg' participants plan next steps in light of the recommendation of the State Health Planning Board to Commissioner Heather Howard. At duCret School of the Arts, 1030 Central Avenue.
Today - June 29. 10:00 AM. Gay Pride Celebration and Worship Service. At the United Church of Christ-Congregational, 220 West 7th Street (at Madison Avenue). All are welcome.
Tomorrow - June 30. 7 PM. BOE: Special Meeting. Discussion and action on several items, including new Superintendent Steve Gallon III's contract. At PHS Library, 950 Park Avenue. Public invited.
Tomorrow - June 30. 8 PM. City Council: Special Meeting. Expected renewal of several liquor licenses, plus a King's Temple CDC item. At City Hall Library, 515 Watchung Avenue. Public invited.
Got an event to publicize? Click here and send me the details.
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch starts a series on 'Pay-to-Play' with an instalment on the 'Corruption Tax' (here) and Councilor Rashid Burney writes (here). League of Women Voters: "Past president comes full circle" -- Go Herb! Train Accident: "Man hit by train ID'ed"
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Tomorrow - June 29. 10:00 AM. Gay Pride Celebration and Worship Service. At the United Church of Christ-Congregational, 220 West 7th Street (at Madison Avenue). All are welcome.
Monday - June 30. 7 PM. BOE: Special Meeting. Discussion and action on several items, including new Superintendent Steve Gallon III's contract. At PHS Library, 950 Park Avenue. Public invited.
Monday - June 30. 8 PM. City Council: Special Meeting. Expected renewal of several liquor licenses, plus a King's Temple CDC item. At City Hall Library, 515 Watchung Avenue. Public invited.
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch starts a series on 'Pay-to-Play' with an instalment on the 'Corruption Tax' (here) and Councilor Rashid Burney writes (here).
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Sunday - June 29. 10:00 AM. Gay Pride Celebration and Worship Service. At the United Church of Christ-Congregational, 220 West 7th Street (at Madison Avenue). All are welcome.
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch starts a series on 'Pay-to-Play' with an instalment on the 'Corruption Tax' (here) and Councilor Rashid Burney writes (here).
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
NOTE: Today, June 26, is the Health Planning Board's Meeting and Vote to Recommend. The Board will recommend a course of action to Commissioner Heather Howard. Details and map are here.
Today - June 25. 7:30 PM. Plainfield Shade Tree Commission. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Thursday - June 26. Hours? 15th Annual UCC Evening At The Races. Proceeds benefit Union County College. At the Pegasus, the Meadowlands. Info: Bill Collins? - per fnd mailer of 10/07.
Sunday - June 29. 10:00 AM. Gay Pride Celebration and Worship Service. At the United Church of Christ-Congregational, 220 West 7th Street (at Madison Avenue). All are welcome.
Plainfield Trees: Plainfield tree guru Greg Palermo's recent post is on "Fringetrees".
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch starts a series on 'Pay-to-Play' with an instalment on the 'Corruption Tax' (here) and Councilor Rashid Burney writes (here). Muhlenberg: "Last public comment meeting set for tomorrow" State Aid: "Loss of aid could mean service cuts, layoffs" -- Plainfield to lose $683K. High School Grads: The Courier has a special section listing all high school grads in it service area, including Plainfield HS. Print edition only. Congrats to all!! Hospitals: "'Mystery shoppers' make staffs uneasy"
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
NOTE: Today, at Noon, a press conference by POP at Park Avenue and Randolph Road. Says Larry Hamm, "since they [the state] issued their report before the Board meeting, we feel we should issue ours."
Tomorrow, June 26, is the Health Planning Board's Meeting and Vote to Recommend. The Board will recommend a course of action to Commissioner Heather Howard. Details and map are here.
Today - June 25. 7:30 PM. Plainfield Shade Tree Commission. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Thursday - June 26. Hours? 15th Annual UCC Evening At The Races. Proceeds benefit Union County College. At the Pegasus, the Meadowlands. Info: Bill Collins? - per fnd mailer of 10/07.
Sunday - June 29. 10:00 AM. Gay Pride Celebration and Worship Service. At the United Church of Christ-Congregational, 220 West 7th Street (at Madison Avenue). All are welcome.
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
NOTE: Thursday is the Health Planning Board's Meeting and Vote to Recommend. The Board will recommend a course of action to Commissioner Heather Howard. Details and map are here.
Wednesday - June 25. 7:30 PM. Plainfield Shade Tree Commission. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Thursday - June 26. Hours? 15th Annual UCC Evening At The Races. Proceeds benefit Union County College. At the Pegasus, the Meadowlands. Info: Bill Collins? - per fnd mailer of 10/07.
Sunday - June 29. 10:00 AM. Gay Pride Celebration and Worship Service. At the United Church of Christ-Congregational, 220 West 7th Street (at Madison Avenue). All are welcome.
Plainfield resident since 1983. Retired as the city's Public Information Officer in 2006; prior to that Community Programs Coordinator for the Plainfield Public Library. Founding member and past president of: Faith, Bricks & Mortar; Residents Supporting Victorian Plainfield; and PCO (the outreach nonprofit of Grace Episcopal Church). Supporter of the Library, Symphony and Historic Society as well as other community groups, and active in Democratic politics.
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