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Monday. Aprl 30. 7:30 PM. PHS Idol Finalists Perform. Winner will be picked from among Reggie Harrison, Jasmine Lynn and Emily Rios. Nine other performers. PHS Auditorium, Park and Stelle Avenues. $10 adult/$5 student. View performances on
Thursday. May 3. 7 PM. Gospel Concert by Kunjalo Music Ministry of Capetown, South Africa. Community Church of God. 417 West 6th Street (corner of New Street). Freewill offering will be taken.
Saturday. May 5. 6th Annual Cardinals 5K Run and Healthwalk. Sponsor: School Based Youth Services. Funds raised support SBYS and Plainfield Teen Parenting Program. At Cedar Brook Park. 7:45 AM - Registration; 8:45 AM - Walk and Lollipop Run; 9:30 AM - 5K Race. Participant fee: $20 to April 30, $25 thereafter. Info: Lisa Perry, (908) 731-4360 x5373.
Sunday. May 6. 3 PM. Chamber Music for Piano, Oboe, Clarinet and Cello. Works of Poulenc, Loeffler, Mozart and Bruch. Victoria Griswold, piano; Carolyn Pollak, oboe; William Shadel, clarinet; Ruth Kahn Siderman, cello. Sponsor: Cultural & Heritage Commission. Plainfield Public Library, Park Avenue & West 8th Street. Reception follows concert. FREE.
Saturday. May 5. 6th Annual Cardinals 5K Run and Healthwalk. Sponsor: School Based Youth Services. Funds raised support SBYS and Plainfield Teen Parenting Program. At Cedar Brook Park. 7:45 AM - Registration; 8:45 AM - Walk and Lollipop Run; 9:30 AM - 5K Race. Participant fee: $20 to April 30, $25 thereafter. Info: Lisa Perry, (908) 731-4360 x5373.
Sunday. May 6. 3 PM. Chamber Music for Piano, Oboe, Clarinet and Cello. Works of Poulenc, Loeffler, Mozart and Bruch. Victoria Griswold, piano; Carolyn Pollak, oboe; William Shadel, clarinet; Ruth Kahn Siderman, cello. Sponsor: Cultural & Heritage Commission. Plainfield Public Library, Park Avenue & West 8th Street. Reception follows concert. FREE.
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Today. April 28. 8 PM. Crescent Concerts: Fauré and Duruflé Requiems. Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church. $20/$15 at door.
Saturday. May 5. 6th Annual Cardinals 5K Run and Healthwalk. Sponsor: School Based Youth Services. Funds raised support SBYS and Plainfield Teen Parenting Program. At Cedar Brook Park. 7:45 AM - Registration; 8:45 AM - Walk and Lollipop Run; 9:30 AM - 5K Race. Participant fee: $20 to April 30, $25 thereafter. Info: Lisa Perry, (908) 731-4360 x5373.
Sunday. May 6. 3 PM. Chamber Music for Piano, Oboe, Clarinet and Cello. Works of Poulenc, Loeffler, Mozart and Bruch. Victoria Griswold, piano; Carolyn Pollak, oboe; William Shadel, clarinet; Ruth Kahn Siderman, cello. Sponsor: Cultural & Heritage Commission. Plainfield Public Library, Park Avenue & West 8th Street. Reception follows concert. FREE.
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Tomorrow. April 28. 8 PM. Crescent Concerts: Fauré and Duruflé Requiems. Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church. $20/$15 at door.
Saturday. May 5. 6th Annual Cardinals 5K Run and Healthwalk. Sponsor: School Based Youth Services. Funds raised support SBYS and Plainfield Teen Parenting Program. At Cedar Brook Park. 7:45 AM - Registration; 8:45 AM - Walk and Lollipop Run; 9:30 AM - 5K Race. Participant fee: $20 to April 30, $25 thereafter. Info: Lisa Perry, (908) 731-4360 x5373.
Sunday. May 6. 3 PM. Chamber Music for Piano, Oboe, Clarinet and Cello. Works of Poulenc, Loeffler, Mozart and Bruch. Victoria Griswold, piano; Carolyn Pollak, oboe; William Shadel, clarinet; Ruth Kahn Siderman, cello. Sponsor: Cultural & Heritage Commission. Plainfield Public Library, Park Avenue & West 8th Street. Reception follows concert. FREE.
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Today. RESCHEDULED. 20th Annual Month of the Young Child Parade and Celebration.
Today. April 26. 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Oppressed, Depressed, Suppressed: The Right to be Male, Black and Proud. Plainfield Public Library. 8th Street at Park Avenue. Sponsor: Nubian Union and McDonald's-Plainfield. FREE.
Saturday. April 28. 8 PM. Crescent Concerts: Fauré and Duruflé Requiems. Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church. $20/$15 at door.
Saturday. May 5. 6th Annual Cardinals 5K Run and Healthwalk. Sponsor: School Based Youth Services. Funds raised support SBYS and Plainfield Teen Parenting Program. At Cedar Brook Park. 7:45 AM - Registration; 8:45 AM - Walk and Lollipop Run; 9:30 AM - 5K Race. Participant fee: $20 to April 30, $25 thereafter. Info: Lisa Perry, (908) 731-4360 x5373.
Sunday. May 6. 3 PM. Chamber Music for Piano, Oboe, Clarinet and Cello. Works of Poulenc, Loeffler, Mozart and Bruch. Victoria Griswold, piano; Carolyn Pollak, oboe; William Shadel, clarinet; Ruth Kahn Siderman, cello. Sponsor: Cultural & Heritage Commission. Plainfield Public Library, Park Avenue & West 8th Street. Reception follows concert. FREE.
TONIGHT: Bill Moyers Journal. 9 PM. Channel 13. "Buying the War" -- Moyers puts all the pieces together. 'Guide to Plainfield' -- Special pullout section in today's Courier print edition.
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Thursday. April 26. 9 AM - 1:30 PM. (Rain date: April 27). 20th Annual Month of the Young Child Parade and Celebration. Starts at Library Park, West 8th Street and College Place. Games and rides follow at the PHS soccer field. Students, staff and parents of Plainfield public and charter school preschoolers and kindergartners are particpants.
Thursday. April 26. 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Oppressed, Depressed, Suppressed: The Right to be Male, Black and Proud. Plainfield Public Library. 8th Street at Park Avenue. Sponsor: Nubian Union and McDonald's-Plainfield. FREE.
Saturday. April 28. 8 PM. Crescent Concerts: Fauré and Duruflé Requiems. Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church. $20/$15 at door.
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Today. April 24. 6 - 8 PM. Community Education Forum. Community members invited to share ideas for improving schools. Sponsored by the Board of Ed. At PHS Auditorium, Park and Stelle Avenues. All areinvited.
Thursday. April 26. 9 AM - 1:30 PM. (Rain date: April 27). 20th Annual Month of the Young Child Parade and Celebration. Starts at Library Park, West 8th Street and College Place. Games and rides follow at the PHS soccer field. Students, staff and parents of Plainfield public and charter school preschoolers and kindergartners are particpants.
Thursday. April 26. 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Oppressed, Depressed, Suppressed: The Right to be Male, Black and Proud. Plainfield Public Library. 8th Street at Park Avenue. Sponsor: Nubian Union and McDonald's-Plainfield. FREE.
Saturday. April 28. 8 PM. Crescent Concerts: Fauré and Duruflé Requiems. Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church. $20/$15 at door.
Plainfield resident since 1983. Retired as the city's Public Information Officer in 2006; prior to that Community Programs Coordinator for the Plainfield Public Library. Founding member and past president of: Faith, Bricks & Mortar; Residents Supporting Victorian Plainfield; and PCO (the outreach nonprofit of Grace Episcopal Church). Supporter of the Library, Symphony and Historic Society as well as other community groups, and active in Democratic politics.
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