New tree: Plane.. Gannett execs plan to cash in.. Preventive maintenance ordinance.. Rove resigns..
Plainfield Today: (Click HERE to read the posts serially, otherwise take your pick below. There are more stories up than posted below, and more go up during the day. -- Dan) Plain Talker: "A Wicket Good Time"
Crescent Times: "Preventive Maintenance: An Ordinance's Ordeal"
Plainfield Trees: "Plane Trees"
Sleepy Hollow Realtors: "Wedding expo helps gay couples plan the big day"
Letter: Toliver: "Plainfield proving to be city on rise"
Highway Alerts:
- Route 18 - Albany Street ramp: Construction through late August.
- Route 287 - Stelton Road to Turnpike: Work now through Nov. 2008.
- Today - August 13. 6 - 7:30 PM. Parent Support Circle: What's On Your Mind? Free child care. Sponsor: Plainfield Center for Stronger Families. At: Jefferson Swing School, 1750 West Front Street. Info: (908) 731-4360, ext. 5381 or 5237
- Today - August 13. 8 PM. Van Wyck Brooks Historic District Monthly Meeting.
- Tuesday - August 14. 8 PM. Special Board of Ed Meeting on Superintendent Search. PHS Library, 950 Park Avenue.
- Wednesday - August 15. 7:30PM. Union County Summer Arts Concerts. Featuring The Sensational Soul Cruisers. Blankets, lawn chairs, picnic baskets welcome. Food vendors available. In case of rain, concerts will be in Cranford HS Auditorium. Info: (908) 352-8410 or FREE.
- Thursday - August 16. 6 PM. 3rd Thursday Concerts at Plainwood Square Park. Ray, Goodman & Brown and Soul Generation. Sponsor: Plainwood Square Merchants and City of Plainfield. At Plainwood Square Park, South Avenue. FREE.
- Saturday - August 18. 10 AM - Noon. Closing Reception: 'No Easy Walk' Photography by Helen Stummer. Sponsor: Cultural & Heritage Commission. Plainfield Public Library. 8th Street at Park Avenue. Coffee and Danish. FREE.
Newark Murders - SL: "Authorities continuing hunt for 3 in killings"
.......... - OpEd: Bob Braun: "How can we be surprised by what befalls neglected Newark?"
..... - NYT: "A Life of Hardship, and Now, Two Fugitive Sons"
Newark Housing Authority: "New boss changes face of Newark's public housing"
Pol Pensions: "Convicted pols stand to lose big pensions"
Private Toll Road: "The Margate Causeway"
State Health Benefits: "N.J. benefit crisis has no easy answer"
Sheneman's Cartoon is here.
Margulies' Cartoon is here.
2008 Primaries - WP: GOP: "Tommy Thompson Leaves Race After Poor Showing in Iowa"
Rove Resignation - WSJ: "Karl Rove to Resign At the End of August"
Surveillance Legislation - WP: E.J.Dionne: "No way to run a superpower"
Highway Signage: "The Road to Clarity" -- Slideshow of sign development.![]()
YouTube Empowers Consumers: "Internet gives angry consumers new power"
Monarch Butterflies: "A new lesson plan takes flight"
Obituary: "Merv Griffin, Television Innovator"
Miss Manners: Check out the nation's doyenne of conduct here in the Washington Post.
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