Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Today - April 30. 2 - 7 PM. Muhlenberg School of Nursing Open House. Tours of the new Harold B. and Dorothy a. Snyder School of Nursing will be held, in addition to opportunities for potential students to have credits evaluated and specific program presentations on radiography (4:30), radiation therapy (5:00), sonography (5:30) and nuclear medicine technology(6:00). Info: (908) 668-3400.
Tomorrow - May 1. 9 AM - 1 PM. Rummage Sale. This is one of Plainfield's best: Household items, small appliances, baby items, toys, home decor, clothing and more. At United Church of Christ, West 7th at Madison Avenue.
Friday - May 2. 2 - 6 PM. Rummage Sale. This is one of Plainfield's best: Household items, small appliances, baby items, toys, home decor, clothing and more. At United Church of Christ, West 7th at Madison Avenue.
Saturday - May 3. 9 AM - 1 PM. Rummage Sale. This is one of Plainfield's best: Household items, small appliances, baby items, toys, home decor, clothing and more. At United Church of Christ, West 7th at Madison Avenue.
Saturday - May 3. 10 AM - 2 PM (Rain or shine). Plainfield Public Library's Community Health and Fitness Fair. Local health, wellness and fitness groups will be conducting free screenings and demonstrations on many topics -- including diet and exercise, injury rehab, pilates, karate and dance. Medicare and Part B info will also be offered. Eight agencies are joining with the Library in the effort. At the Plainfield Public Library, 8th Street and Park Avenue. Info, Bob Golon at (908) 757-1111, x132. FREE, no advance registration required.
Saturday - May 3. 8 PM. Plainfield Symphony: Music Of The New World. Dvorak's From the New World Symphony, Grofé's Mississippi Suite, Corigliano's Red Violin Suite, Barber's, Violin Concerto with Concertmaster Evelyn Estaza as soloist. The Plainfield Symphony performs at Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, Watchung Avenue at East 7th Street. $25/General seating. $15/Senior & Student. Info: (908) 561-5140.
Monday - May 5. 8 PM. City Council Business Meeting. City Council Chambers/Courthouse. Watchung Avenue and East 4th Street.
Plainfield Trees: "Street Cherries" -- A new post by Plainfield's tree guru, Dr. Greg Palermo, including observations on Redbuds.
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch(here) has a new entry today on developing a City Council agenda; and Councilor Rashid Burney blogs (here). Muhlenberg --
Today - April 29. 6 PM Reception, 7 PM Presentation and Discussion. Immigration and the Black Community: Conflict or Common Interest?. Panel discussion with special guest Gerald Lenoir, of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration. Sponsored by the Africana Insitute of Essex County College, ACLU and AFSC. At Essex CC, Siegler Hall, Rm 2132. Info: (973) 643-1924 or (973) 877-3219.
Tomorrow - April 30. 2 - 7 PM. Muhlenberg School of Nursing Open House. Tours of the new Harold B. and Dorothy a. Snyder School of Nursing will be held, in addition to opportunities for potential students to have credits evaluated and specific program presentations on radiography (4:30), radiation therapy (5:00), sonography (5:30) and nuclear medicine technology(6:00). Info: (908) 668-3400.
Thursday - May 1. 9 AM - 1 PM. Rummage Sale. This is one of Plainfield's best: Household items, small appliances, baby items, toys, home decor, clothing and more. At United Church of Christ, West 7th at Madison Avenue.
Friday - May 2. 2 - 6 PM. Rummage Sale. This is one of Plainfield's best: Household items, small appliances, baby items, toys, home decor, clothing and more. At United Church of Christ, West 7th at Madison Avenue.
Saturday - May 3. 9 AM - 1 PM. Rummage Sale. This is one of Plainfield's best: Household items, small appliances, baby items, toys, home decor, clothing and more. At United Church of Christ, West 7th at Madison Avenue.
Saturday - May 3. 10 AM - 2 PM (Rain or shine). Plainfield Public Library's Community Health and Fitness Fair. Local health, wellness and fitness groups will be conducting free screenings and demonstrations on many topics -- including diet and exercise, injury rehab, pilates, karate and dance. Medicare and Part B info will also be offered. Eight agencies are joining with the Library in the effort. At the Plainfield Public Library, 8th Street and Park Avenue. Info, Bob Golon at (908) 757-1111, x132. FREE, no advance registration required.
Saturday - May 3. 8 PM. Plainfield Symphony: Music Of The New World. Dvorak's From the New World Symphony, Grofé's Mississippi Suite, Corigliano's Red Violin Suite, Barber's, Violin Concerto with Concertmaster Evelyn Estaza as soloist. The Plainfield Symphony performs at Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, Watchung Avenue at East 7th Street. $25/General seating. $15/Senior & Student. Info: (908) 561-5140.
Monday - May 5. 8 PM. City Council Business Meeting. City Council Chambers/Courthouse. Watchung Avenue and East 4th Street.
Plainfield Trees: "Street Cherries" -- A new post by Plainfield's tree guru, Dr. Greg Palermo, including observations on Redbuds.
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch(here) has a new entry today on developing a City Council agenda; and Councilor Rashid Burney blogs (here). Crime-Prevention Deal - Editorial, SL: "The heedless governor" -- Corzine inattentive to public perception on deal that excluded Plainfield school district.
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Today - April 28. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue.
Tomorrow - April 29. 6 PM Reception, 7 PM Presentation and Discussion. Immigration and the Black Community: Conflict or Common Interest?. Panel discussion with special guest Gerald Lenoir, of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration. Sponsored by the Africana Insitute of Essex County College, ACLU and AFSC. At Essex CC, Siegler Hall, Rm 2132. Info: (973) 643-1924 or (973) 877-3219.
Wednesday - April 30. 2 - 7 PM. Muhlenberg School of Nursing Open House. Tours of the new Harold B. and Dorothy a. Snyder School of Nursing will be held, in addition to opportunities for potential students to have credits evaluated and specific program presentations on radiography (4:30), radiation therapy (5:00), sonography (5:30) and nuclear medicine technology(6:00). Info: (908) 668-3400.
Thursday - May 1. 9 AM - 1 PM. Rummage Sale. This is one of Plainfield's best: Household items, small appliances, baby items, toys, home decor, clothing and more. At United Church of Christ, West 7th at Madison Avenue.
Friday - May 2. 2 - 6 PM. Rummage Sale. This is one of Plainfield's best: Household items, small appliances, baby items, toys, home decor, clothing and more. At United Church of Christ, West 7th at Madison Avenue.
Saturday - May 3. 9 AM - 1 PM. Rummage Sale. This is one of Plainfield's best: Household items, small appliances, baby items, toys, home decor, clothing and more. At United Church of Christ, West 7th at Madison Avenue.
Saturday - May 3. 10 AM - 2 PM (Rain or shine). Plainfield Public Library's Community Health and Fitness Fair. Local health, wellness and fitness groups will be conducting free screenings and demonstrations on many topics -- including diet and exercise, injury rehab, pilates, karate and dance. Medicare and Part B info will also be offered. Eight agencies are joining with the Library in the effort. At the Plainfield Public Library, 8th Street and Park Avenue. Info, Bob Golon at (908) 757-1111, x132. FREE, no advance registration required.
Saturday - May 3. 8 PM. Plainfield Symphony: Music Of The New World. Dvorak's From the New World Symphony, Grofé's Mississippi Suite, Corigliano's Red Violin Suite, Barber's, Violin Concerto with Concertmaster Evelyn Estaza as soloist. The Plainfield Symphony performs at Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, Watchung Avenue at East 7th Street. $25/General seating. $15/Senior & Student. Info: (908) 561-5140.
Monday - May 5. 8 PM. City Council Business Meeting. City Council Chambers/Courthouse. Watchung Avenue and East 4th Street.
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Tmorrow - April 28. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue.
Wednesday - April 30. 2 - 7 PM. Muhlenberg School of Nursing Open House. Tours of the new Harold B. and Dorothy a. Snyder School of Nursing will be held, in addition to opportunities for potential students to have credits evaluated and specific program presentations on radiography (4:30), radiation therapy (5:00), sonography (5:30) and nuclear medicine technology(6:00). Info: (908) 668-3400.
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Tree Planting at First-Park Baptist was yesterday -- my screw-up!! -- Dan
Sexual Assault Awareness Workshops at the YMCA today (see below)
Today - April 26. 9 AM - 1 PM (Rain or shine). Cedar Brook Park Cleanup. Join with volunteers from Plainfield block and neighborhood associations in beautifying one of our county's gems. Pick up leaves, help paint or plant flowers. Sponsored by the Parkside Road/Lakview Terrace Block Association. Light refreshments will be provided. Contacts: Michele Tucker - (908) 346-0628; Brenda Williams - (908) 412-9451; Rita Davis - (908) 548-8459.
Today - April 26. Noon - 2 PM. Sexual Assault Awareness Workshop. Gain valuable information about sexual assaults and resources available from the Union County Rape Crisis Center. Two presentations: Noon to 1 PM in English; 1 - 2 PM in Spanish. At the Plainfield Area YMCA, 518 Watchung Avenue. FREE.
Today - April 26. 2 - 5 PM. Candidate Meet & Greet: Olive Lynch. Join friends and neighbors at a meet-and-greet for Ward 3 candidate. Refreshments. At: 512 Stelle Avenue.
Monday - April 28. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue.
Wednesday - April 30. 2 - 7 PM. Muhlenberg School of Nursing Open House. Tours of the new Harold B. and Dorothy a. Snyder School of Nursing will be held, in addition to opportunities for potential students to have credits evaluated and specific program presentations on radiography (4:30), radiation therapy (5:00), sonography (5:30) and nuclear medicine technology(6:00). Info: (908) 668-3400.
Plainfield Trees: "Japanese Flowering Cherries"-- A fresh post in Greg Palermo's ongoing series on Plainfield's trees.
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch(here) and Councilor Rashid Burney (here). Knife Attack: "Cousins face jail after knife attacks" -- Courier | Ledger | -- The Anchor Bar.
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email. WHAT'S HAPPENING
Film series continues tonight at FUSP (see below)
Tree Planting tomorrow at First-Park Baptist (see below)
Sexual Assault Awareness Workshops at the YMCA tomorrow (see below)
Today - April 25. 10 AM - 2 PM. Shredmobile Comes To Plainfield. Residents may have the County's 'shredmobile' shred paper documents that are no longer needed. Instructions: Remove pins or staples; remove from envelopes; do not tie up; bring in bags or boxes -- limit: 3 per resident. At Cedar Brook Park, rain or shine. Park in lot by Tennis Courts. PMUA employees will help carry papers from cars to shredmobile. Sponsors: UC Freeholders and PMUA. More info at UC recycling hotline: (908) 654-9889.
Today - April 25. 7 PM. FUSP Film Series: Gia. Tragic true story of supermodel Gia Carangi (played by Angelina Jolie), a trouble beauty who is devastated when her affair with a bisexual photographer (played by Elizabeth Mitchell) cools off. Popcorn, drinks and child care provided. First Unitarian Society is at 724 Park Avenue. Parking on the street or in the City lot across Park Avenue. FREE.
Tomorrow - April 26. 9 AM - 1 PM (Rain or shine). Cedar Brook Park Cleanup. Join with volunteers from Plainfield block and neighborhood associations in beautifying one of our county's gems. Pick up leaves, help paint or plant flowers. Sponsored by the Parkside Road/Lakview Terrace Block Association. Light refreshments will be provided. Contacts: Michele Tucker - (908) 346-0628; Brenda Williams - (908) 412-9451; Rita Davis - (908) 548-8459.
Tomorrow - April 26. 10 AM. Tree Planting, Central and West 7th. Join members of First-Park Baptist Church and friends and neighbors in a morning of tree-planting along the Central Avenue side of the church and in its meditation garden. The event kicks off with a light breakfast at 10 AM, after which volunteers and Job Corps participants will plant trees. Sponsors include B&L Home Improvements and Home Depot. Dignitaries will be present, as well as students from New Covenant Christian Academy. A lunch of pizza and sandwiches will be served when planting is completed. Wear comfortable gardening clothing if you plan to help. First-Park Baptist Church is at the corner of West 7th and Central Avenue. Parking is in the lot on Central Avenue.
Tomorrow - April 26. Noon - 2 PM. Sexual Assault Awareness Workshop. Gain valuable information about sexual assaults and resources available from the Union County Rape Crisis Center. Two presentations: Noon to 1 PM in English; 1 - 2 PM in Spanish. At the Plainfield Area YMCA, 518 Watchung Avenue. FREE.
Tomorrow - April 26. 2 - 5 PM. Candidate Meet & Greet: Olive Lynch. Join friends and neighbors at a meet-and-greet for Ward 3 candidate. Refreshments. At: 512 Stelle Avenue.
Monday - April 28. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue.
Wednesday - April 30. 2 - 7 PM. Muhlenberg School of Nursing Open House. Tours of the new Harold B. and Dorothy a. Snyder School of Nursing will be held, in addition to opportunities for potential students to have credits evaluated and specific program presentations on radiography (4:30), radiation therapy (5:00), sonography (5:30) and nuclear medicine technology(6:00). Info: (908) 668-3400.
Plainfield resident since 1983. Retired as the city's Public Information Officer in 2006; prior to that Community Programs Coordinator for the Plainfield Public Library. Founding member and past president of: Faith, Bricks & Mortar; Residents Supporting Victorian Plainfield; and PCO (the outreach nonprofit of Grace Episcopal Church). Supporter of the Library, Symphony and Historic Society as well as other community groups, and active in Democratic politics.
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