On Muhlenberg: Dr. Yood, Bernice, Courier, Ledger.. MIA: Story on Ward 3 contest.; Letter on McWilliams; OpEd on hospitals..
Plainfield Today:
Plainfield Plaintalker:
Crescent Times:
- "Train Station Updates" -- With a train station blog.
- "What are a City Council's Responsibilities?"
- "Looking for a Planning Board attendee's comments"
"Courier/Ledger: Hundreds aim to save Muhlenberg" -- Covering Saturday's rally.Doc's Potpourri:
"'Buy Muhlenberg' effort launches" -- (Saturday's belated Courier article).
- "Hospitals and healthcare for all" -- Saturday's post.
- "The hospital crisis and underprivileged healthcare" -- Today's post.
Councilors are blogging: Councilor Cory Storch's new post is about the Obama phenom and his support for Annie McWilliams in the upcoming primary -- see (here) -- and Councilor Rashid Burney blogs on the FOSH garage sale confusion (here) as well as sending out his 'As I See It' email.
Muhlenberg & Other Hospitals: Muhlenberg board president Ron West has an OpEd piece in today's Courier on the dire straits the state's hospitals are in; NOT ONLINE. Will put up later, if it comes up.
Citywide at-large Primary: Letter in support of Annie McWilliams in Courier; NOT ONLINE. Will put up later, if it comes up.
Ward 3 Dem Primary: The Ledger has a story on the three candidates today; NOT ONLINE. Will put up later, if it comes up.
Debt: "Cash-strapped consumers can't come up for air"
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email.
- Monday - April 21. 8 PM. City Council Business Meeting. City Council Chambers/Courthouse. Watchung Avenue and East 4th Street.
- Tuesday - April 22. 7:30 PM. Historic Preservation Commission. City Hall Library. Public invited.
- Wednesday - April 23. 7:30 PM. Plainfield Shade Tree Commission. City Hall Library. Public invited.
- Friday - April 25. 10 AM - 2 PM. Shredmobile Comes To Plainfield. Residents may have the County's 'shredmobile' shred paper documents that are no longer needed. Instructions: Remove pins or staples; remove from envelopes; do not tie up; bring in bags or boxes -- limit: 3 per resident. At Cedar Brook Park, rain or shine. Park in lot by Tennis Courts. PMUA employees will help carry papers from cars to shredmobile. Sponsors: UC Freeholders and PMUA. More info at UC recycling hotline: (908) 654-9889.
- Saturday - April 26. 9 AM - 1 PM (Rain or shine). Cedar Brook Park Cleanup. Join with volunteers from Plainfield block and neighborhood associations in beautifying one of our county's gems. Pick up leaves, help paint or plant flowers. Sponsored by the Parkside Road/Lakview Terrace Block Association. Light refreshments will be provided. Contacts: Michele Tucker - (908) 346-0628; Brenda Williams - (908) 412-9451; Rita Davis - (908) 548-8459.
- Monday - April 28. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue.
- Wednesday - April 30. 2 - 7 PM. Muhlenberg School of Nursing Open House. Tours of the new Harold B. and Dorothy a. Snyder School of Nursing will be held, in addition to opportunities for potential students to have credits evaluated and specific program presentations on radiography (4:30), radiation therapy (5:00), sonography (5:30) and nuclear medicine technology(6:00). Info: (908) 668-3400.
BIG PICTURELove & Renovation in Akron: "Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Solvent"![]()
Geese: "Got a Mess of Geese? Some Solutions"
Lawns: "When It Comes to Lawn Care, a Bit Less May Do Us Good"
Springfield, NJ: "Comfort and History, With a Cricket Serenade"
Trenton: "From Transition to Revival in Trenton" -- 'But it's in Trenton'. Sound familiar?
Jumbo Loans: "The New Limits on Jumbo Loans"TOOLS
Mortgage Mess: "Report Piles Blame on Brokers" -- At least they're not blaming Canada.
Prime Mortgages: "Here Comes the Next Mortgage Crisis"
Buy or Rent?: "Cost Comparison Tool" -- Enter your own values to calculate which is better, buying or renting. A really neat tool!
Ledger: "Home Finder", "Premier Estates" and "Real Estate" sections online.
Courier: "Real Estate" section online.
NYTimes: "This Week's Residential Sales Around the Region" -- Week of 4/20/2008.
Trulia: "Your Personal Real Estate Google"
Mortgages: "US Mortgage Payment Index"
Clark: "17 fire companies respond to fire at U.S. Gypsum warehouse"
Devils: "For Devils Fans, Trains Seem to Work Fine"
Kenilworth: "Creativity on a plate at Le Rendez-Vous"
Manville: "Ex-mayor Corradino earns Citizen of the Year"
Sharpe James:
- "James trial exposed need for better Council oversight, official says"
- "After Former Mayor’s Conviction, Newark Has Its Say"
The Auditor -- For political junkies: "Sunday, April 13, 2008"
Lautenberg Senate Seat: "Republicans playing a game of musical chairs"
Highways: "State may pour $3.5 billion into road repairs"
Legislature: "N.J. lawmakers taking on debt collectors"
The Pinelands: Paul Mulshine: "Pave over Brendan Byrne"
'Smart' Guns: "Research stalls on weapon made to shoot only in the right hands"
Sheneman's Cartoon is here.
Margulies' Cartoon is here.
2008 Campaigns --
- Analysis:
- John Farmer: "Lehigh Valley is key to Pa. primary"
- Fran Wood: "Campaign sexism angers women"
- Obama:
- Clinton:
- Superdelegates: "Clintons Sort Friends: Past and Present" -- Steady erosion.
- McCain:
- Congress: "Dems Widen Fundraising Lead for Senate Campaigns"
Cartoon Guide to Private Equity: "Taking Aim at Private Equity Once Again" -- From the folks at War On Greed.
Judges: Peter G. Verniero: "It's folly to label judges" -- Hmmm.
Libraries: "What’s New at the E-Library"
BOOK REVIEW LINKS: NY Times | Wash Post | Ledger | NY Rev Bks | London Rev Bks |