Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice on the tenants' meeting at City Hall and some telling graffiti. Maria asks -- and answers-- the question whether renters are at fault. Olddoc drums up volunteers for the Council's three committees and expands on his proposal for review of city government. PEPtalks' Renata has finished her leadership term and notes the blog will take up additional focuses.
Tomorrow - July 1. 8 PM. Special City Council Meeting. To adopt appropriation resolution for beginning of FY2010. Per previous discussion, this may be a conference call meeting as Councilors Mapp and Reid may not be able to be present. At City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry at the rear of the building. Public welcome.
Thursday - July 2. 9:30 PM. Fireworks Celebrating Independence Day. Moved to Thursday to avoid overtime costs for the holiday. At Cedar Brook Park. FREE.
Saturday - July 4. 10 AM. 86th Annual Independence Day Parade. Plainfield's traditional July 4th parade steps off at East Front & Johnston Avenue, ending at Madison Avenue. FREE.
Monday - July 6. 9 AM - 3ish PM. Farmer's Market: Stillman Farms of Robbinsville. Fresh fruits and veggies. Vacant lot between City Hall and Salvation Army, Watchung Avenue.
Thursday - July 9. 9 AM - 3ish PM. Farmer's Market: Stillman Farms of Robbinsville. Fresh fruits and veggies. Vacant lot between City Hall and Salvation Army, Watchung Avenue.
Thursday - July 9. 7 PM. Cable TV Advisory Board. At City Hall Library, 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry in lot behind behind building. Public welcome.
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Today - June 29. 6:30 PM. Citywide Tenants Meeting with Mayor Robinson-Briggs. In response to issues at many of Connolly Properties buildings, Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs has called a public meeting for this evening. At City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry at the rear of the building. Public welcome.
Wednesday - July 1. 8 PM. Special City Council Meeting. To adopt appropriation resolution for beginning of FY2010. Per previous discussion, this may be a conference call meeting as Councilors Mapp and Reid may not be able to be present. At City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry at the rear of the building. Public welcome.
Thursday - July 2. 9:30 PM. Fireworks Celebrating Independence Day. Moved to Thursday to avoid overtime costs for the holiday. At Cedar Brook Park. FREE.
Saturday - July 4. 10 AM. 86th Annual Independence Day Parade. Plainfield's traditional July 4th parade steps off at East Front & Johnston Avenue, ending at Madison Avenue. FREE.
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Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice has commentary on the new fiscal year. Olddoc calls for a review of Plainfield government top to bottom. Maria updates the Evergreen School beautification project. PSN: Justice over Intensity.
Today - June 28. Noon - 4:30 PM. Teen Girls and Social Media. What teen girls need to know about social media (Facebook, Twitter, texting and more). Sponsored by P.E.T.A.L. (Positively Empowering Teen Girls About Life). Free to teens 10-19, $10/adults. Info: Visit the website at, email them at, or call (888) 632-9953.
Wednesday - July 1. 8 PM. Special City Council Meeting. To adopt appropriation resolution for beginning of FY2010. Per previous discussion, this may be a conference call meeting as Councilors Mapp and Reid may not be able to be present. At City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry at the rear of the building. Public welcome.
Thursday - July 2. 9:30 PM. Fireworks Celebrating Independence Day. Moved to Thursday to avoid overtime costs for the holiday. At Cedar Brook Park. FREE.
Saturday - July 4. 10 AM. 86th Annual Independence Day Parade. Plainfield's traditional July 4th parade steps off at East Front & Johnston Avenue, ending at Madison Avenue. FREE.
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Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice notes much is in disarray. Maria examines the plight of renters. Olddoce proposes updating the city's code and continues his healthcare series. PSN notes Battle open preseason with a big win.
Tomorrow - June 28. Noon - 4:30 PM. Teen Girls and Social Media. What teen girls need to know about social media (Facebook, Twitter, texting and more). Sponsored by P.E.T.A.L. (Positively Empowering Teen Girls About Life). Free to teens 10-19, $10/adults. Info: Visit the website at, email them at, or call (888) 632-9953.
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Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice and Olddoc cover the Council actions (and inactions) last night. Councilor Burney on Connolly Properties: Shape up or ship out.
Michael Jackson: "King of Pop" -- | Rolling Stone | Ledger | Courier | -- Public Enemy's Chuck D.: He was the soundtrack of our lives. Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email.
PRESSMAN CHARTER SCHOOL: Last day of open enrollment. Plainfield's fourth charter school will emphasize the importance of music in preparing well-rounded students 6th and 7th graders for high school and beyond. The school is located at Plainfield's historic YWCA, 232 East Front Street (corner of Church Street). Office open daily from 2 - 6 for tours. Info: (908) 756-3500 x175, details here, or visit the website at
Sunday - June 28. Noon - 4:30 PM. Teen Girls and Social Media. What teen girls need to know about social media (Facebook, Twitter, texting and more). Sponsored by P.E.T.A.L. (Positively Empowering Teen Girls About Life). Free to teens 10-19, $10/adults. Info: Visit the website at, email them at, or call (888) 632-9953.
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Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice on Dudley House future. Councilor Storch on supporting the Dem slate. Olddoc on print vs. online Courier.
PRESSMAN CHARTER SCHOOL: Open enrollment through June 26. Plainfield's fourth charter school will emphasize the importance of music in preparing well-rounded students 6th and 7th graders for high school and beyond. The school is located at Plainfield's historic YWCA, 232 East Front Street (corner of Church Street). Office open daily from 2 - 6 for tours. Info: (908) 756-3500 x175, details here, or visit the website at
Today - June 25. 10 AM - 2 PM. (Rain or shine.) Union County Paper Shredding Event. Union County residents may have confidential paper documents shredded free of charge. Paper clips and binders should be removed. Magazines not accepted. Proof of Union County residency required. Sponsored by the UC Board of Chosen Freeholders. At Union County Vo-Tech, 1776 Raritan Road, Scotch Plains. Info: (908) 654-9889 or visit the website at
RESCHEDULED Today - June 25. 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Plainwood Square FREE Summer Concert. South Avenue's popular summer concert series returns with Latin and Rock 'n Roll. Featuring Brother John Brown Band and Grupo Poder Latino. At Plainwood Square Park. Sponsors: Plainfield Cultural & Heritage Commission, U.C. Board of Chosen Freeholders, Plainwood Square Merchants' Association and individual merchants. FREE.
Today - June 25. 7:30 PM. City Council Special Meeting. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. (Parking and entry at rear of building.) Public may speak at end of meeting.
Sunday - June 28. Noon - 4:30 PM. Teen Girls and Social Media. What teen girls need to know about social media (Facebook, Twitter, texting and more). Sponsored by P.E.T.A.L. (Positively Empowering Teen Girls About Life). Free to teens 10-19, $10/adults. Info: Visit the website at, email them at, or call (888) 632-9953.
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Plainfield resident since 1983. Retired as the city's Public Information Officer in 2006; prior to that Community Programs Coordinator for the Plainfield Public Library. Founding member and past president of: Faith, Bricks & Mortar; Residents Supporting Victorian Plainfield; and PCO (the outreach nonprofit of Grace Episcopal Church). Supporter of the Library, Symphony and Historic Society as well as other community groups, and active in Democratic politics.
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