Where Plainfield turns for news.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Olddoc on budget and Oz's Council.. Bernice reposts a Donna Vose guest column.. David: Goodnight (Jerry) Green.. Jackie: 'Do You Believe in Magic' season finale blog party.. Rebecca on Lorraine Hansberry..


Union County Track & Field:  "Ledger blog at Hub Stine"

Gay Teens:  "Today's teens come out to a different world, with new support, more acceptance"
NAACP:  "Newark nonprofit exec named new head of national NAACP"
Newark:  "Old foes Booker, Baraka meet agree to work together" -- PolNJ | Ledger |
Port Newark:  "Giant shipping cranes arrive, heralding post-Panamax era"
Rutgers:  "Kean, LeGrand deliver commencement addresses to largest class ever"

Gov. Christie --
Agriculture:  "Top fruits and vegetables show NJ is still the Garden State"
Broadcasting:  "AT&T ups the ante on cable with $49B purchase of DirecTV"-- Record | Bloomberg |
Energy:  "Clean energy surcharge to remain flat, despite diversion of funds"
NJ Budget:  "Closing the budget gap: Everything is not on the table"
NJ State Dems:  "NJ Dems project strength amid signs of a power struggle"

[BERNICE] reposts a guest column by the late Donna Vose.

[OLDDOC] on the budget and Oz's Council.

[DAVID] Goodnight (Jerry) Green.

[JACKIE] 'Do You Believe in Magic?' season finale blog party.

[REBECCA at Bathrobe Blogger] remembering 'Sweet Lorraine' Hansberry.