Where Plainfield turns for news.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Olddoc: MLK Day 2016.. Bernice: CDC's uphold MLK values.. Noel at PALS: Plainfield native Justin Seas tries to make history for Yale..

CLIPS is your daily roundup of links to blog posts and news about Plainfield or affecting Plainfielders. Begun in 2003 as an email newsletter to Plainfield city council members when I was Plainfield's public information officer, it was later offered to the general public by email and has been available as a blog since 2007. If you have questions, suggestions or tips, email me at plaindan@gmail.com.


Youth Summit:  "Dr. Marc Lamont Hill speaks to Plainfield's Youth Summit"
Roads:  "Transportation grants in Plainfield (East 2nd St)" -- Map.
Architecture:  "A Field Guide to American Houses" -- A new edition of a popular book from my 'Victorian Accents' catalog.
Food Recall:  "Trader Joe's recalls 'raw' cashew pieces over salmonella fears"

MLK Commemoration --
Crossing Guards:  "Leonia crossing guard saves mom, daughter from car"
EWR:  "Newark airport monorail loses power, passengers evacuated"
Linden:  "Wrong-way cop was never offered alcohol treatment, lawyer says"
Newark:  "Cerf, teachers union spar over contract to GOP-connected firm"
Pets:  "NJ pets in need, Jan. 18"

Christie for President --
2016 Candidates --
Economic Development:  "Questions on subsidies and hiring local workers surround project"
Liquor Licenses:  "Battling NJ liquor laws"
Schools:  "Nine changes possibly coming to NJ schools"

Obituary:  "Annette Funicello, star of Mickey Mouse Club, beach blanket movies"


[BERNICE]  CDC's uphold MLK values.

[OLDDOC]  MLK Day 2016. (1/18/16)

[Mayor MAPP]  announces the annual MLK potluck and food drive. (1/04/16)

[Councilor STORCH]  on the conduct of Council meetings. (1/08/16) -- He's the new Council President.

[Councilor WILLIAMS]  Youth Summit Saturday at duCret. (1/12/16)

[DAVID]  Council to vote on BOE elections. (1/10/16)

[JACKIE]   week in review notes she now gets off work before dark. (1/17/16)

[REBECCA at Bathrobe Blogger]  On World AIDS Day, rethink HIV. (12/27/15)

[PLAINFIELD LATINO]   ICE raids - Fact or fiction? (1/8/16)

[NOEL at PALS]  Plainfield native Justin Seas tries to make history for Yale. (1/18/16).