Plainfield observers (click on name to go to post): Bernice reports on PMUA and trans-Hudson tunnel, trees are ungirdled, and the HEAT. Olddoccomments on Jerry's recent spate of posts, Council and BOE goings-on. Mariaon Monday's BOE meeting and walk-on items.Pivpondering 'gangs vs. Council' chooses the latter.Jerryhas three posts on the NJ budget's impact, blaming the usual suspects -- and barking at Christie over the budget (Jerry was one of the Dems given a pass on having to vote 'aye' on the budget (it's such a transparent game).Bo on the 22nd posts 10 reasons why 'Cap 2.5' reform is needed.Councilor McWilliamsweighs in on the need for financial leadership.Plainfield Sports NewsSky Blue shuts down Gold Pride, NJ Wolves earn pre-season win.
Don't miss these personal blogs by Plainfielders, each with a point of view: Rebecca Williams' Confessions of a Bathrobe Blogger; BOE member Renata Hernandez blogs anew at new blog Standing In The Gap, on Monday's BOE meeting; her daughter Milani Hernandez is at PEPTalk: A PPS pupil's perspective, on proposed BOE layoffs; Jackie Schnoop's The (TV) Show Must Go On, asks if there is a saboteur in the Big Brother 12 House; and Dottie Gutenkauf's Dottie G Sez. There are two personal blogs concerned with the Plainfield public schools: Dr. E=MC², criticizes BOE member Gilbert's suggestion unions give up raises; and Eye on Plainfield Schools.
Job Opening: Director for 'Out of the Box Club' Math and Science Program. Exciting new matn and science program for 3rd through 7th grade students seeking director (part-time). The successful applicant will be passionate about the sciences and math and have the ability to develop and lead activities that excite and motivate children. The club will have fall and spring sessions of ten weeks each. The director will design the total program, assist in recruiting as well as train and supervise staff. Bachelor's degree or equivalent required plus strong math science interest and work with this age group. The program will operate at St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Send resumés to: Plainfield Grassroots CDC, POBox 1762, Plainfield, NJ 07060 or email for more details.
Camp Discovery Day Camp. Monday - Friday, June 28 - July 23. 9 AM - 3 PM. For children 8 - 11 (entering grades 3, 4 and 5). Arts, swimming, field trips, drama, community gardening, plus learning experiences in reading, science and math. Cost: $25-$150/week (sliding scale - scholarships available). Registration: $35, includes first week and camp T-shirt. Sponsored by United Plainfield CDC and UCC-Congregational. At United Church of Christ, Congregational. West 7th Street and Madison Avenue. Camp director: Eric Halpern. Info: (908) 755-8658.
Today - June 30. 1 - 5 PM. City Council Retreat. The City Council will meet in a retreat format, including discussions with Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs and members of the Administration (today's session said to include a tour of the Tepper's basement space). At the Neighborhood Health Center, 1700 Myrtle Avenue. NOTE: Location has been changed to City Hall Library. This is a public meeting of the full governing body.
Today - June 30. 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Just Desserts: Republican Candidates Meet-and-Greet. Meet City Council candidates Jim Pivnichny (Wards 2/3 at-large) and Sean Alfred (Ward 1) as well as Union County Freeholder candidate Ellen Dickson. At the Pivnichnys, 1776 Sleepy Hollow Lane.
Tomorrow - July 1. 7 PM. Special Council Meeting. Will take up temporary budget appropriation for new fiscal year, and end-of-year budget transfers not acted on Monday (if proper notice has been given). At City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry at the rear of the building. Public welcome.
Friday - July 2. 9:30 PM. July 4th Fireworks Display. At Cedar Brook Park. FREE.
Saturday - July 3. 10 AM. 87th Annual Independence Day Parade. Parade proceeds along East Front Street from Johnston Avenue to Park Avenue. FREE.
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Don't miss these personal blogs by Plainfielders, each with a point of view: Rebecca Williams' Confessions of a Bathrobe Blogger; BOE member Renata Hernandez blogs anew at new blog Standing In The Gap, surprised at Asm Green's interest in the BOE, invites him to stop by; her daughter Milani Hernandez is at PEPTalk: A PPS pupil's perspective, finds the prospect of BOE layoffs heartbreaking; Jackie Schnoop's The (TV) Show Must Go On; and Dottie Gutenkauf's Dottie G Sez. There are two personal blogs concerned with the Plainfield public schools: Dr. E=MC² criticizes BOE member Gilbert's suggestion unions give up raises; and Eye on Plainfield Schools.
Job Opening: Director for 'Out of the Box Club' Math and Science Program. Exciting new matn and science program for 3rd through 7th grade students seeking director (part-time). The successful applicant will be passionate about the sciences and math and have the ability to develop and lead activities that excite and motivate children. The club will have fall and spring sessions of ten weeks each. The director will design the total program, assist in recruiting as well as train and supervise staff. The program will operate at St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Send resumés to: Plainfield Grassroots CDC, POBox 1762, Plainfield, NJ 07060 or email for more details.
Camp Discovery Day Camp. Monday - Friday, June 28 - July 23. 9 AM - 3 PM. For children 8 - 11 (entering grades 3, 4 and 5). Arts, swimming, field trips, drama, community gardening, plus learning experiences in reading, science and math. Cost: $25-$150/week (sliding scale - scholarships available). Registration: $35, includes first week and camp T-shirt. Sponsored by United Plainfield CDC and UCC-Congregational. At United Church of Christ, Congregational. West 7th Street and Madison Avenue. Camp director: Eric Halpern. Info: (908) 755-8658.
Tomorrow - June 30. 1 - 5 PM. City Council Retreat. The City Council will meet in a retreat format, including discussions with Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs and members of the Administration (among which is a report from IT mentioned by Council President McWilliams at last week's meeting). At the Neighborhood Health Center, 1700 Myrtle Avenue. NOTE: Location has been changed to City Hall Library. This is a public meeting of the full governing body.
Tomorrow - June 30. 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Just Desserts: Republican Candidates Meet-and-Greet. Meet City Council candidates Jim Pivnichny (Wards 2/3 at-large) and Sean Alfred (Ward 1) as well as Union County Freeholder candidate Ellen Dickson. At the Pivnichnys, 1776 Sleepy Hollow Lane.
Thursday - July 1. Special Council Meeting. To take up end-of-year budget transfers not acted on Monday. Will post time/place as available.
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Plainfield observers (click on name to go to post): Bernice tries to crystal ball tonight's Council meeting; undecided about 'retreat'. Olddocon what might be interesting at tonight's Council, plus an apology to Councilor Rivers for accidentally publishing a rude comment. Marianotes two personnel matters needing clarification Monday.Pivon the Mayor's proposed Library funding cut.Councilor McWilliamsweighs in on the need for financial leadership.Plainfield Sports NewsSky Blue shuts down Gold Pride, NJ Wolves earn pre-season win.
Job Opening: Director for 'Out of the Box Club' Math and Science Program. Exciting new matn and science program for 3rd through 7th grade students seeking director (part-time). The successful applicant will be passionate about the sciences and math and have the ability to develop and lead activities that excite and motivate children. The club will have fall and spring sessions of ten weeks each. The director will design the total program, assist in recruiting as well as train and supervise staff. The program will operate at St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Send resumés to: Plainfield Grassroots CDC, POBox 1762, Plainfield, NJ 07060 or email for more details.
Camp Discovery Day Camp. Monday - Friday, June 28 - July 23. 9 AM - 3 PM. For children 8 - 11 (entering grades 3, 4 and 5). Arts, swimming, field trips, drama, community gardening, plus learning experiences in reading, science and math. Cost: $25-$150/week (sliding scale - scholarships available). Registration: $35, includes first week and camp T-shirt. Sponsored by United Plainfield CDC and UCC-Congregational. At United Church of Christ, Congregational. West 7th Street and Madison Avenue. Camp director: Eric Halpern. Info: (908) 755-8658.
Today - June 28. 1 - 5 PM. City Council Retreat. The City Council will meet in a retreat format, including discussions with Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs and members of the Administration (among which is a report from IT mentioned by Council President McWilliams at last week's meeting). At the Neighborhood Health Center, 1700 Myrtle Avenue. NOTE: Location has been changed to City Hall Library. This is a public meeting of the full governing body.
Today - June 28. 6:30 PM. POP/Restore Muhlenberg Coalition Meeting. Including a report on the (poorly noticed) Solaris Community Meeting of June 22, and noting removal of mammography from Muhlenberg campus to JFK plus more. At duCret School of Art, 1030 Central Avenue. Parking and entrance to Hall off parking lot at rear of complex. All are welcome.
Today - June 28. 6:30 PM. Mayor's 100 Man March Meeting. Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs has called for one hundred male volunteers to meet at City Hall to 'develop a plan of action' and a march through Plainfield's violence-prone areas. At City Hall. 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry at the rear of the building.
Today - June 28. 7 PM. Special City Council Meeting. Two topics: Renewals of alcoholic beverage licenses for 2010-11 and discussion with PMUA Board of Commissioners and staff members. At City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry at the rear of the building. Public welcome.
Today - June 28. 8 PM. Special Board of Ed Meeting. Special BOE meeting addressing personnel appointments for 2010-11 school year, retroactive listing of 2009-10 appointments. Agenda online here. At PHS Auditorium, 950 Park Avenue. Public welcome.
Wednesday - June 30. 1 - 5 PM. City Council Retreat. The City Council will meet in a retreat format, including discussions with Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs and members of the Administration (among which is a report from IT mentioned by Council President McWilliams at last week's meeting). At the Neighborhood Health Center, 1700 Myrtle Avenue. NOTE: Location has been changed to City Hall Library. This is a public meeting of the full governing body.
Wednesday - June 30. 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Republican Council Candidates Meet-and-Greet. Meet candidates Jim Pivnichny (Wards 2/3 at-large) and Sean Alfred (Ward 1). At the Pivnichnys, 1776 Sleepy Hollow Lane.
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Plainfield observers (click on name to go to post): Bernice posts a slideshow from the Downtown Block Party. Olddoccommenter Rob elicits Schroon Lake pix and memories. Marianotes two personnel matter needing clarification Monday.Pivon the Mayor's proposed Library funding cut.Jerryresponds to Olddoc, is 'very happy with the thousands of postcards he has received' on issues. Councilor Storchresponds to Asm Green.Councilor McWilliamsweighs in on the need for financial leadership.Plainfield Sports Newsfinds QCBL Pony League team getting first win, notes Justice on the move. Don't miss these personal blogs by Plainfielders, each with a point of view: Rebecca Williams' Confessions of a Bathrobe Blogger; BOE member Renata Hernandez blogs anew at new blog Standing In The Gap; her daughter Milani Hernandez is at PEPTalk: A PPS pupil's perspective; Jackie Schnoop's The (TV) Show Must Go On has her new weekend pix up; and Dottie Gutenkauf's Dottie G Sez. There are two personal blogs concerned with the Plainfield public schools: Dr. E=MC², urges working together in planning for next school year; and Eye on Plainfield Schools.
Camp Discovery Day Camp. Monday - Friday, June 28 - July 23. 9 AM - 3 PM. For children 8 - 11 (entering grades 3, 4 and 5). Arts, swimming, field trips, drama, community gardening, plus learning experiences in reading, science and math. Cost: $25-$150/week (sliding scale - scholarships available). Registration: $35, includes first week and camp T-shirt. Sponsored by United Plainfield CDC and UCC-Congregational. At United Church of Christ, Congregational. West 7th Street and Madison Avenue. Camp director: Eric Halpern. Info: (908) 755-8658.
Today - June 27. 10:30 AM. Special Gay Pride Worship Service. At United Church of Christ, Congregational. West 7th Street and Madison Avenue (parking in Madison Avenue lot and on the street).
Tomorrow - June 28. 1 - 5 PM. City Council Retreat. The City Council will meet in a retreat format, including discussions with Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs and members of the Administration (among which is a report from IT mentioned by Council President McWilliams at last week's meeting). At the Neighborhood Health Center, 1700 Myrtle Avenue. NOTE: Location has been changed to City Hall Library. This is a public meeting of the full governing body.
Tomorrow - June 28. 6:30 PM. POP/Restore Muhlenberg Coalition Meeting. Including a report on the (poorly noticed) Solaris Community Meeting of June 22, and noting removal of mammography from Muhlenberg campus to JFK plus more. At duCret School of Art, 1030 Central Avenue. Parking and entrance to Hall off parking lot at rear of complex. All are welcome.
Tomorrow - June 28. 6:30 PM. Mayor's 100 Man March Meeting. Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs has called for one hundred male volunteers to meet at City Hall to 'develop a plan of action' and a march through Plainfield's violence-prone areas. At City Hall. 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry at the rear of the building.
Tomorrow - June 28. 7 PM. Special City Council Meeting. Two topics: Renewals of alcoholic beverage licenses for 2010-11 and discussion with PMUA Board of Commissioners and staff members. At City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry at the rear of the building. Public welcome.
Tomorrow - June 28. 8 PM. Special Board of Ed Meeting. Special BOE meeting addressing personnel appointments for 2010-11 school year, retroactive listing of 2009-10 appointments. Agenda online here. At PHS Auditorium, 950 Park Avenue. Public welcome.
Wednesday - June 30. 1 - 5 PM. City Council Retreat. The City Council will meet in a retreat format, including discussions with Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs and members of the Administration (among which is a report from IT mentioned by Council President McWilliams at last week's meeting). At the Neighborhood Health Center, 1700 Myrtle Avenue. NOTE: Location has been changed to City Hall Library. This is a public meeting of the full governing body.
Wednesday - June 30. 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Republican Council Candidates Meet-and-Greet. Meet candidates Jim Pivnichny (Wards 2/3 at-large) and Sean Alfred (Ward 1). At the Pivnichnys, 1776 Sleepy Hollow Lane.
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Plainfield resident since 1983. Retired as the city's Public Information Officer in 2006; prior to that Community Programs Coordinator for the Plainfield Public Library. Founding member and past president of: Faith, Bricks & Mortar; Residents Supporting Victorian Plainfield; and PCO (the outreach nonprofit of Grace Episcopal Church). Supporter of the Library, Symphony and Historic Society as well as other community groups, and active in Democratic politics.
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