Where Plainfield turns for news.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Dr. E=MC²: BOE's grad school without stay-or-pay-back clause a slippery slope.. Bernice: Tighter controls on state aid reason city not applying?..

Independence Day Parade:  "Plainfield's July 4th Parade" -- Photo gallery of 49 pix.
Obituary:  "Richard L. Olive, Plainfield's 18-year Zoning Board attorney" -- Visitation and service tomorrow, July 6, 11 AM
Tyrone Johnson:  "Plainfield star will play at Villanova" -- Plainfield Sports News | Courier | Hoops Haven |
 Pet Therapy:  "Animals help ease stress, boost heart health" -- Featuring the Plainfield Animal Hospital.
Union County:  "Abuses of power exist in our midst" -- OpEd by former Westfield councilor Sal Caruana.

Unemployment Insurance Fraud:  "NJ's fund lost $25M in fraudulent claims in last 2 years"

Heat Wave:  "Temps to 100 degrees in next five days in NJ"

Plainfield observers (click on name to go to post): Bernice notes the tighter controls on state aid that may have influenced city's decision not to apply. Olddoc family visit over, expect to hear from Olddoc. Maria has graduation and dropout figures. Piv on peace talks between mayor and council. Jerry takes a break from a blizzard of posts. Bo on the 22nd notes marathon legislative session ends with real tax reform. Councilor McWilliams looks forward to budget season with a call for strong fiscal leadership.

Don't miss these personal blogs by Plainfielders, each with a point of view: Rebecca Williams' Confessions of a Bathrobe Blogger;
BOE member Renata Hernandez blogs anew at new blog Standing In The Gap;  her daughter Milani Hernandez is at PEPTalk: A PPS pupil's perspective, wanting to understand why some 'grown folks' are attacking her mother; Jackie Schnoop's The (TV) Show Must Go On, continuing with the videos on Big Brother 12; and Dottie Gutenkauf's Dottie G Sez. There are two personal blogs concerned with the Plainfield public schools: Dr. E=MC², considers the slippery slope of paying staff for grad school without requiring a stay-or-pay-back clause; and Eye on Plainfield Schools.

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  • Job Opening: Director for 'Out of the Box Club' Math and Science Program. Exciting new matn and science program for 3rd through 7th grade students seeking director (part-time). The successful applicant will be passionate about the sciences and math and have the ability to develop and lead activities that excite and motivate children. The club will have fall and spring sessions of ten weeks each. The director will design the total program, assist in recruiting as well as train and supervise staff. Bachelor's degree or equivalent required plus strong math science interest and work with this age group. The program will operate at St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Send resumés to: Plainfield Grassroots CDC, POBox 1762, Plainfield, NJ 07060 or email plainfieldgrassroots@gmail.com for more details.

  • Camp Discovery Day Camp. Monday - Friday, June 28 - July 23. 9 AM - 3 PM. For children 8 - 11 (entering grades 3, 4 and 5). Arts, swimming, field trips, drama, community gardening, plus learning experiences in reading, science and math. Cost: $25-$150/week (sliding scale - scholarships available). Registration: $35, includes first week and camp T-shirt. Sponsored by United Plainfield CDC and UCC-Congregational. At United Church of Christ, Congregational. West 7th Street and Madison Avenue. Camp director: Eric Halpern. Info: (908) 755-8658.

  • Tuesday - July 6. 6 PM. Mayor's Anti-Violence Program. Volunteers gather at City Hall to be bused to various neighborhoods to knock on doors, hand out fliers and speak with residents about their concerns. Info: (908) 753-3310 or see here.

  • [CANCELED] Wednesday - July 7. 7 PM. Zoning Board of Adjustment. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue (parking in lot at rear of building). Public invited.

  • Thursday - July 8. 6 PM (rain date July 29). Plainwood Square Summer Concert. Featuring keyboardist Nat Adderley (who wrote many of Luther Vandross' hits), David Cedeno and his Latin Beat orchestra, and pop/jazz artist Bobby Syvarth. There will be a special presentation to the Plainfield Rescue Squad. Sponsored by the Plainfield SID, Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Plainfield Cultural & Heritage Commission, and local businesses: Burger King, Dairy Queen, Investor's Savings Bank, KFC, McDonald's, PNC Bank and Wendy's. At Plainwood Square Park. FREE.

  • Saturday - July 10. 11:30 AM Departure (return at 9:30 PM). PHS Class of 1970 Atlantic City Trip. To the Hilton Casino and outlet shopping. Leaving from Stelle Avenue parking lot of Plainfield High School. Tickets: $35; $20 return. Info: Viola Gillette-Eaddy (732) 208-7167.

  • Saturday - July 10. Noon - 5 PM. Benefit Card Party. A card party to benefit the Neighborhood Health Services Center. Games include: Bid Whist, Bridge, Pinochle, Spades, Poker, and more [no gambling]. Food, music, door prizes. Tickets: $25/person, Children 10 and under free. Info: Paulette Hussey, (908) 454-4600 x4002 or email here. At Neighborhood Health Center, Myrtle and Rock Avenues.

  • Monday - July 12. 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Youth Partnership of Union County. Informing the community about mental health with games, skits, short films and conversation, with a special performance by the Mental Health Players. Light refreshments will be served. Info: Gloria Parker (908) 789-7625. At the Plainfield Area YMCA, 518 Watchung Avenue (corner of East 6th Street; parking in the rear). FREE.

  • Monday - July 12. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. (Parking and entry at rear of building.) Agenda should be found online at www.plainfield.com/Agendas.htm. Public may speak at end of meeting.

  • Tuesday - July 13. 6 PM. Mayor's Anti-Violence Program. Volunteers gather at City Hall to be bused to various neighborhoods to knock on doors, hand out fliers and speak with residents about their concerns. Info: (908) 753-3310 or see here.
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