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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Late Council meeting: Bernice posts; see Olddoc later, Piv there too.. Maria: Yet another suit against District.. Renata introduces new blogger..

Council:  "Council mulls requests for increased oversight on finances" -- Further report coming, it was a late meeting (again).
Schools:  "Former administrator files whistleblower lawsuit against Board of Ed" -- Docs are at Maria's blog (here).
Weekend Shootings:  "Police investigate shootings leaving three wounded" -- Courier | Ledger |
'Implied Consent':  "Supreme Court rules in Plainfield DWI that police must use language suspect understands" -- Ledger | Gannett |
YMCA:  "Following trend, YMCA to become simply 'the Y'"
Census 2010:  "Census moves into verification phase"

'Best Places':  "Money magazine includes Franklin Twp, Piscataway in listings" -- Story here.
Community Gardens:  "Community garden gains ground in Rahway"

Tax Cap --

Congressional Race:  "Romney backs Lance, Little" -- Little is the Tea Party candidate against Pallone.
Dem Caucus:  "Leaders of Dem legislative caucus upset over leaks"
Pay-to-Play:  "Christie to appear at group skirting campaign finance rules" -- PolNJ | Ledger |

iPhone:  "Consumer Reports refuses to endorse iPhone 4" -- See report here. The fix? Duct tape.

Plainfield observers (click on name to go to post): Bernice notes Council wants posts filled, expenses curbed. Olddoc promises a post after noon on Council, has preliminary remarks on agendas and more. Maria finds yet another lawsuit against the district (sexual harassment). Piv was noted noting notes at last night's Council. Jerry takes a break from a blizzard of posts, is he recovering from Dem caucus blues? Bo on the 22nd reports Assembly speaker will not block the tax cap deal. Councilor McWilliams looks forward to budget season with a call for strong fiscal leadership.

Don't miss these personal blogs by Plainfielders, each with a point of view: Rebecca Williams' Confessions of a Bathrobe Blogger; BOE member Renata Hernandez blogs anew at new blog Standing In The Gap, introduces a new blogger, a Jefferson School student;  her daughter Milani Hernandez is at PEPTalk: A PPS pupil's perspective; Jackie Schnoop's The (TV) Show Must Go On, on Big Brother 12 live feeds into dawn today (Jackie, are you getting any sleep?); and Dottie Gutenkauf's Dottie G Sez. There are two personal blogs concerned with the Plainfield public schools: Dr. E=MC², has two new posts -- on leadership, and Abbott District funding; and Eye on Plainfield Schools, snoozing for a month now, has changed the look of the blug, but with no new post.

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  • [CLOSING 7/15] Job Opening: Director for 'Out of the Box Club' Math and Science Program. Exciting new matn and science program for 3rd through 7th grade students seeking director (part-time). The successful applicant will be passionate about the sciences and math and have the ability to develop and lead activities that excite and motivate children. The club will have fall and spring sessions of ten weeks each. The director will design the total program, assist in recruiting as well as train and supervise staff. Bachelor's degree or equivalent required plus strong math science interest and work with this age group. The program will operate at St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Send resumés to: Plainfield Grassroots CDC, POBox 1762, Plainfield, NJ 07060 or email plainfieldgrassroots@gmail.com for more details.

  • Camp Discovery Day CampMonday - Friday, June 28 - July 23. 9 AM - 3 PM. For children 8 - 11 (entering grades 3, 4 and 5). Arts, swimming, field trips, drama, community gardening, plus learning experiences in reading, science and math. Cost: $25-$150/week (sliding scale - scholarships available). Registration: $35, includes first week and camp T-shirt. Sponsored by United Plainfield CDC and UCC-Congregational. At United Church of Christ, Congregational. West 7th Street and Madison Avenue. Camp director: Eric Halpern. Info: (908) 755-8658..

  • Today - July 13. 6 PM. Mayor's Anti-Violence Program. Volunteers gather at City Hall to be bused to various neighborhoods to knock on doors, hand out fliers and speak with residents about their concerns. Info: (908) 753-3310 or see here.

  • Today - July 13. 8 PM. Board of Ed Work/Study Meeting. At the PHS Conference Room, 950 Park Avenue. Public welcome. Agendas are online at www.plainfieldnjk12.org/.

  • Tomorrow - July 14. 7 - 9 PM. Family Movie Night: The Princess and The Frog. Presented by the Plainfield Public Schools. At Washington Community School, 427 Darrow Avenue. (Parking available in the Spooner Avenue lot.) FREE.

  • Thursday - July 15. 6 - 9 PM (Rain date: July 22). Cruisin' Plainfield Car Show. Classic cars, muscle cars and more. Sponsored by the Plainfield SID. At 1239 South Avenue (between KFC and McDonald's). FREE.

  • Thursday - July 15. 8 PM. Planning Board. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue (parking in lot at rear of building). Public invited.

  • Saturday - July 17. 9 AM - 4:30 PM. Women's Conference at Rose of Sharon. One-day women's conference, with inspirational messages and study. Lunch provided. Registration: $40/person. Info: (908) 561-1158 or (908) 561-9070. At Rose of Sharon Community Church, 825 West 7th Street.

  • Monday - July 19. 8 PM. City Council Business Meeting. City Council Chambers/Courthouse. Watchung Avenue and East 4th Street. Public may speak at beginning and end of meeting.
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