Where Plainfield turns for news.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Plainfield under siege.. PMUA sued.. New poll.. Bernice: PEA's BOE endorsements.. Maria: Jerry's grammar.. Jerry remembers and misremembers..


Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice notes the PEA's BOE endorsements and ponders whether Mercury is in retrograde. Pondering Jerry Green's grammar, Maria wonders what her mistakes would be called, and has suggests what Democrats could learn from science. Olddoc posts some Oahu pix and a couple of 'mystery' shots. PEPtalk reports on last evening's BOE candidate forum. Assemblyman Green notes his stimulus meeting from last Friday (no attendance figures given), defends his Abbott District position, and misremembers Dan's involvement with the Prosecutor's office (more on that later).

PMUA: "Resident files suit against PMUA, alleging wrongdoing"

21st District: "Assemblyman Munoz dies" -- PolNJ | Ledger | -- Jon Bramnick's fellow Assemblyman.
Hillside: "Police offer few details in shooting of man" -- Parked in an alley a female companion.
Newark: "Booker to announce 'fiscal steps' to balance budget"
New Providence: "County to buy and restore park"
Rutgers: "Oral History Archives captures and preserves treasured memories" -- More info here.

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  • Today - March 31. 7 PM. BOE: Budget Hearing. A public hearing on the budget that will be voted on at the Board of Ed elections later this month. At the Administration Building (Jefferson School), 1200 Myrtle Avenue. Public invited.

  • Today - March 31. 8 PM. Special City Council Meeting and Budget Hearing. A special meeting with one item of business: A resolution applying to the Local Finance Board for a reduction in the annual pension contribution. A regularly scheduled budget hearing will also be held. At City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. Parking and entry at the rear of the building. Public welcome.

  • Wednesday April 1. 7 PM. Zoning Board of Adjustment. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue (parking in lot at rear of building). Public invited.

  • Thursday April 2. 8 PM. Planning Board. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue (parking in lot at rear of building). Public invited.
Got an event to publicize? Click here and send me the details.

Corzine Furlough Policy: "Workers unions take action to stop furloughs"
Corruption --
Immigrants: "Panel wants new rights for illegals"
Ports: "Tough pollution standards sought for ships using ports"


Obama's Auto Plan: "Detroit plan has GOP all over the map"
Economy: "Poll: Blame for downturn not fixed on Obama"
GOP: Mulshine, Ledger: "Republicans continue to be the great pretenders"

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