Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice notes police response to the recent wave of shootings, bragging rights for Tax Collector Glavan (though not the 97% previously cited by her boss), and a surprise development proposal. Maria wonders what will City Hall be sacrificing in the current financial crisis. Olddoc cites two dangerous days -- on Wall Street, and reading Jerry Green's page -- and notes the advent of the Jewish High Holy Days with a wish for the Plainfield community -- La shana tova. At PEPtalk, Renata reports on an outstanding 08-09 inaugural PEP meeting last night. Plainfield Sports News reports the Plainfield Vikings hosted the Raritan Bay Cougars at Seidler this weekend, on. Plainfield tree guru has a new post on Red Oaks, helping you keep your reds and whites sorted (oaks, not wines!). Assemblyman Green shares with us that he has been cited 'legislator of the year' by the NJ Apartment Association.
VOTER REGISTRATION: The Plainfield Alumni chapter of Kappa Alpha Phi fraternity is conducting a voter registration drive on Wednesday and Thursdays from 5:00 - 8:45 PM at the Plainfield Public Library through October 9th. Members will provide voter registration forms and assistance for those not currently registered to vote. Info: Jerry Black, (908) 922-5898 or the Library's Bob Golon, (908) 757-1111 x132.
Today - September 30. 9 AM. 'Chamber Walk'. Members of the Plainfield Chamber of Commerce will be walking in the South Avenue shopping district to meet business owners and hear about their needs and concerns.
Tomorrow - October 1. 7 PM. Zoning Board of Adjustment. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Tomorrow - October 1. 7:30 PM. (OPRA) Finding Out: How to Exercise Your Right to Obtain Public Records. Understand NJ's public records law and make it work for you. Speakers: Guy Baehr, Rutgers professor and former Ledger reporter; Tina Renna, chairperson, Union County Watchdog Association; and John Paff, citizen-activist. Sponsors include Rutgers Dept. of Journalism and the NJ Foundation for Open Government. At the Rutgers Student Center, Room 410. College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick. The symposium is free and open to the public and Rutgers students.
Thursday - October 2. 8 PM. Planning Board. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Thursday - October 2. 9 PM. Vice Presidential Candidates Debate. Biden and Palin at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Moderated by Gwen Ifill, senior correspondent on The NewsHour. The debate will cover both foreign and domestic topics.
Friday - October 3. 8 AM - 2 PM. First Union County Green Conference. A one-stop resource for businesses and local government officials to get the most from new 'green' products, services and funding opportunities. Workshops include: Green Grants, Alternative Energy & Conservation, LEED Certification, and Green Shared Services. At Kean University's Downs Hall. Registration: $25, includes breakfast and lunch. More information here, and registration form here (PDF).
Friday - October 3. 7 PM. Girl Scout Information and Recruitment Evening. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character. Come learn how you and your daughter can get involved in an organization that helps girls become leaders, learn about themselves, and serve their community. Children welcome. Light refreshments will be served. At Washington Community School, 427 Darrow Avenue (parking in Spooner Avenue lot). Information: Call Fatima Latif at (908) 232-3236 x1218. FREE.
Saturday - October 4. 9 AM - 3 PM. Annual Hispanic Health Fair. Sponsored by the Coalition of Hispanic Physicians. Screenings for: Vision; Pap and breast exams; HIV; Bone density; and Hypertension. Mini-lectures in Spanish by Coalition doctors. Refreshments, music, face painting, clown. At Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, East 7th Street and Watchung Avenue. All are welcome. FREE.
Saturday - October 4. 10 AM - Noon. New Democrats Fall Get-Together. New Democrats for Plainfield will gather to elect its leadership team, socialize and discuss the 2009 elections, which will include Mayor, 4th Ward Council seat, Democratic City Committee, and Assembly. A continental breakfast will be served. At duCret Art School, 1038 Central Avenue (park in the rear).
Saturday - October 4. 11 AM - 3 PM. Millions More Multicultural Health Fair. Sponsored by the Plainfield LOC of the Millions More Movement Ministry of Health. Health screenings, dental screenings, free health information. At the Respect For Life Cetner, 407 Watchung Avenue. All are welcome. FREE.
Saturday - October 4. 7 PM - Midnight. Plainfield Symphony's 'Fall Festival'. With a bountiful buffet, libations galore and marvelous music, the Symphony puts the fun in fundraiser at this gala event. At the historic home of Tom & Julie Shortridge, 996 Hillside Avenue. $75/person. To order tickets, call Brenda Anderson at (908) 757-5363 or email
Sunday - October 5. 1 - 3 PM. FOSH: Annual Blessing of the Animals. Plainfield pets and their families and friends gather at Leland Avenue Park (the Cook School Pond) to schmooze and romp. Animals will be blessed at 2 PM. Every year finds interesting new pets -- what will it be this year? Come out and see. FREE.
Sunday - October 5. 1 - 3 PM. Book Signing: Union County Black Americans. Plainfield's own Ethel Washington signs her important Union County book. Also featured: Jews of Weequahic, Jews of Morris, and South Orange Revisited. At the Livingston Barnes & Noble, 112 Eisenhower Parkway. (973) 758-1317.
Got an event to publicize? Click here and send me the details.
FactCheck: For a daily analysis of the latest spin from either campaign see the non-partisan, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice notes the tax collection rate will be reported on at Council tonight, and that the League of Women Voters is seeking write-in candidates for the general election. Maria has an amazing pic of 'Jerry's aligned duckies'! Olddoc gives comprehending Jerry's blogs yet another try. PEPtalk notes its kickoff meeting tonight: Moving the District toward educational excellence. The Assemblyman's quill is (evidently) at rest for today.
VOTER REGISTRATION: The Plainfield Alumni chapter of Kappa Alpha Phi fraternity is conducting a voter registration drive on Wednesday and Thursdays from 5:00 - 8:45 PM at the Plainfield Public Library through October 9th. Members will provide voter registration forms and assistance for those not currently registered to vote. Info: Jerry Black, (908) 922-5898 or the Library's Bob Golon, (908) 757-1111 x132.
Today - September 29. 6:30 - 8:30 PM. PEP: First 08-09 Meeting. Parents Empowering Parents (PEP) has its first meeting of the 2008-09 school year. Come out to share, learn and unite. Dinner and childcare provided. At Washington Community School, 427 Darrow Avenue (parking in Spooner Avenue lot). 'Time to PEP it up!'
Today - September 29. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue.
Tomorrow - September 30. 9 AM. 'Chamber Walk'. Members of the Plainfield Chamber of Commerce will be walking in the South Avenue shopping district to meet business owners and hear about their needs and concerns.
Wednesday - October 1. 7 PM. Zoning Board of Adjustment. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Wednesday - October 1. 7:30 PM. (OPRA) Finding Out: How to Exercise Your Right to Obtain Public Records. Understand NJ's public records law and make it work for you. Speakers: Guy Baehr, Rutgers professor and former Ledger reporter; Tina Renna, chairperson, Union County Watchdog Association; and John Paff, citizen-activist. Sponsors include Rutgers Dept. of Journalism and the NJ Foundation for Open Government. At the Rutgers Student Center, Room 410. College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick. The symposium is free and open to the public and Rutgers students.
Thursday - October 2. 8 PM. Planning Board. City Hall Library. Public invited.
Thursday - October 2. 9 PM. Vice Presidential Candidates Debate. Biden and Palin at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Moderated by Gwen Ifill, senior correspondent on The NewsHour. The debate will cover both foreign and domestic topics.
Friday - October 3. 8 AM - 2 PM. First Union County Green Conference. A one-stop resource for businesses and local government officials to get the most from new 'green' products, services and funding opportunities. Workshops include: Green Grants, Alternative Energy & Conservation, LEED Certification, and Green Shared Services. At Kean University's Downs Hall. Registration: $25, includes breakfast and lunch. More information here, and registration form here (PDF).
Friday - October 3. 7 PM. Girl Scout Information and Recruitment Evening. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character. Come learn how you and your daughter can get involved in an organization that helps girls become leaders, learn about themselves, and serve their community. Children welcome. Light refreshments will be served. At Washington Community School, 427 Darrow Avenue (parking in Spooner Avenue lot). Information: Call Fatima Latif at (908) 232-3236 x1218. FREE.
Saturday - October 4. 9 AM - 3 PM. Annual Hispanic Health Fair. Sponsored by the Coalition of Hispanic Physicians. Screenings for: Vision; Pap and breast exams; HIV; Bone density; and Hypertension. Mini-lectures in Spanish by Coalition doctors. Refreshments, music, face painting, clown. At Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, East 7th Street and Watchung Avenue. All are welcome. FREE.
Saturday - October 4. 11 AM - 3 PM. Millions More Multicultural Health Fair. Sponsored by the Plainfield LOC of the Millions More Movement Ministry of Health. Health screenings, dental screenings, free health information. At the Respect For Life Cetner, 407 Watchung Avenue. All are welcome. FREE.
Saturday - October 4. 7 PM - Midnight. Plainfield Symphony's 'Fall Festival'. With a bountiful buffet, libations galore and marvelous music, the Symphony puts the fun in fundraiser at this gala event. At the historic home of Tom & Julie Shortridge, 996 Hillside Avenue. $75/person. To order tickets, call Brenda Anderson at (908) 757-5363 or email
Sunday - October 5. 1 - 3 PM. FOSH: Annual Blessing of the Animals. Plainfield pets and their families and friends gather at Leland Avenue Park (the Cook School Pond) to schmooze and romp. Animals will be blessed at 2 PM. Every year finds interesting new pets -- what will it be this year? Come out and see. FREE.
Sunday - October 5. 1 - 3 PM. Book Signing: Union County Black Americans. Plainfield's own Ethel Washington signs her important Union County book. Also featured: Jews of Weequahic, Jews of Morris, and South Orange Revisited. At the Livingston Barnes & Noble, 112 Eisenhower Parkway. (973) 758-1317.
Got an event to publicize? Click here and send me the details.
FactCheck: For a daily analysis of the latest spin from either campaign see the non-partisan, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice spots an ad on the PPS News blog. Maria enjoys the Library Book Sale and reminds the Assemblyman that he voted to abolish the Abbott school districts. Olddoc puts up a disquisition on health care, and remarks on the flurry of posts from the Assemblyman (though the reference to 'bogs' may be a typo, it is certainly NOT a malapropisim). The Assemblyman takes credit for getting Plainfield returned to the Abbott District list, but I can attest to a slightly different reality -- it was thanks to then-Sen. Donald DiFrancesco folks, as we all witnessed at a ceremony at Hubbard MS auditorium to celebrate the fact. Check it out!
VOTER REGISTRATION: The Plainfield Alumni chapter of Kappa Alpha Phi fraternity is conducting a voter registration drive on Wednesday and Thursdays from 5:00 - 8:45 PM at the Plainfield Public Library through October 9th. Members will provide voter registration forms and assistance for those not currently registered to vote. Info: Jerry Black, (908) 922-5898 or the Library's Bob Golon, (908) 757-1111 x132.
Today - September 28. 3 PM. Crescent Concerts: Organ Recital. Eric Plutz, University Organist at Princeton, formerly organist and music director, Church of the Epiphany, Washington, DC. At Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, Watchung Avenue at East 7th Street. Tickets: $20, $15/senior, $5/student. Info: (908) 756-2468 or
Tomorrow - September 29. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue.
Tuesday - September 30. 9 AM. 'Chamber Walk'. Members of the Plainfield Chamber of Commerce will be walking in the South Avenue shopping district to meet business owners and hear about their needs and concerns.
Got an event to publicize? Click here and send me the details.
Sheneman's Cartoon is here. Margulies' Cartoon is here.
NATION / WORLD 2008 Campaigns --
FactCheck: For a daily analysis of the latest spin from either campaign see the non-partisan, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers -- Bernice, Maria and Dan tout today's Library Book Sale -- be there or be square! Maria also wonders about a perceived chill by the District toward PEP. Olddoc ponders the Wall Street crisis and the presidential candidate's debate. Restore Muhlenberg notes no word from Mayor Robinson-Briggs about taking over the Muhlenberg monitor process. At PEPtalk, Renata seems to hint at difficulties with (some? one?) principals over parent-related activities. At Plainfield Sports News, soccer fans rejoice at the debut of XtremBol tomorrow. Assemblyman Green reveals that we have had eight years of McCain/Palinism in Plainfield (three under Mayor Robinson-Briggs?) and it's time for a change. Keep that coherent blogging going!!
Got a tip? Question? Click here to send PT an email.
VOTER REGISTRATION: The Plainfield Alumni chapter of Kappa Alpha Phi fraternity is conducting a voter registration drive on Wednesday and Thursdays from 5:00 - 8:45 PM at the Plainfield Public Library through October 9th. Members will provide voter registration forms and assistance for those not currently registered to vote. Info: Jerry Black, (908) 922-5898 or the Library's Bob Golon, (908) 757-1111 x132.
Today - September 27. 9:30 AM - 3 PM. Book Sale at the Library. Mystery, romance, and other things you can't keep your hands off at the Plainfield Public Library this Saturday! Always a bountiful and interesting selection, plus your purchase (at bargain prices) helps fund program activities at the Library. How could you not? At the Plainfield Public Library, Park Avenue at West 8th Street. FREE. .
Today - September 27. 9 AM - 1 PM. Tour: Architectural Treasures of Teale. A 19th century New Jersey architect who specialized in churches, Oscar S. Teale was also an amateur magician and a friend of Houdini. Teale designed several central New Jersey churches, four of which (plus his own home in North Plainfield's Washington Park Historic District) will be open for the tour. These include the First Unitarian Society, the 7th Day Baptist Church, Wilson Memorial Chapel in Watchung and the German Reformed Church in North Plainfield. Lunch and talk at FUSP included. Tickets: $25/advance, $30/door. Checks may be made out to FUSP and mailed to FUSP, 724 Park Avenue, Plainfield, NJ 07060.
Tomorrow - September 28. 3 PM. Crescent Concerts: Organ Recital. Eric Plutz, University Organist at Princeton, formerly organist and music director, Church of the Epiphany, Washington, DC. At Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, Watchung Avenue at East 7th Street. Tickets: $20, $15/senior, $5/student. Info: (908) 756-2468 or
Monday - September 29. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue.
Tuesday - September 30. 9 AM. 'Chamber Walk'. Members of the Plainfield Chamber of Commerce will be walking in the South Avenue shopping district to meet business owners and hear about their needs and concerns.
Got an event to publicize? Click here and send me the details.
FactCheck: For a daily analysis of the latest spin from either campaign see the non-partisan, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
Plainfield resident since 1983. Retired as the city's Public Information Officer in 2006; prior to that Community Programs Coordinator for the Plainfield Public Library. Founding member and past president of: Faith, Bricks & Mortar; Residents Supporting Victorian Plainfield; and PCO (the outreach nonprofit of Grace Episcopal Church). Supporter of the Library, Symphony and Historic Society as well as other community groups, and active in Democratic politics.
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