Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice notes ARRA money may go to 'finish' the 'unfinished' finished space in the former Teppers. Maria wonders if there is a lesson for a certain Plainfield someone in Specter's defection to the Democrats. Caciquism? That's a keeper. Olddoc is having Internet connections problems-- check back later. PEPtalk calls to nonwinners to help parents become winners. The Assemblyman has three posts and a whack -- a press release on swine flu, a note on city cleanups, and a response to Maria. As for the Mapp citation, since Green wasn't present in the courtroom, one wonders where he gets his info. Councilor Storch muses about the 'party of No!'. Councilor McWilliams invites participation in this year's Relay For Life.
Today - April 30. 7 PM. Neighborhood House 70th Anniversary Celebration. Friends and supporters of the preschool and social services agency will gather to honor Pat Fields, Donald Van Blake, the Rev. LaVerne Ball and Wilson Memorial Union Church. At Snuffy's Pantagis in Scotch Plains. Tickets: $75/person, can be purchased at Neighborhood House, 644 West 4th Street.
Tomorrow - May 1. 7:30 PM. Murder Mystery Fundraiser. An evening of fun solving a murder mystery and supporting a good cause. Proceeds provide tracking devices to seniors at risk of wandering who are registered with the Somerset County Office on Aging. Light hors d'oeuvres. At The Chelsea, 274 King George Road, Warren, NJ. Tickets: $25/person. Info: (908) 903-0911.
Saturday - May 2. 9:30 AM. Liberty and Freedom. What makes us a 'free' people? Why is 'liberty' such a big deal? Is American different from any other country? Learn what power you have in the voting booth. Sponsored by Progressive Leadership for Plainfield. In the Anne Louise Davis Meeting Room at the Plainfield Public Library, Park Avenue and 8th Street. FREE.
Sunday - May 3. Noon - 5 PM. 30th Annual Pet Fair. Petting zoo, face painting, games with prizes, live music, pony rides and refreshments. Exhibitors range from pet services to clubs to animal rescue organizations. Several competitive events for dogs. Admission: $3/person, children 6 and under FREE. At Trailside Nature & Science Center, 452 New Providence Road, Mountainside. (908) 789-3670 or visit the website at
Monday - May 4. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. (Parking and entry at rear of building.) Public may speak at end of meeting.
Tuesday - May 5. 7 PM. PMUA Board of Commissioners. At PMUA headquarters, 127 Roosevelt Avenue (corner of East 2nd Street). Public invited.
Wednesday - May 6. 7 PM. Zoning Board of Adjustment. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue (parking in lot at rear of building). Public invited.
Thursday - May 7. 8 PM. Planning Board. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue (parking in lot at rear of building). Public invited.
Friday thru Sunday - May 8-10. Play: A Raisin in the Sun. Lorraine Hansberry's classic in a production by M.Power Performing Arts, directed by Alrick Brown. Exciting theater, locally produced. Times: Friday, 8 PM; Saturday, 3PM and 8 PM; Sunday, 8:30 PM. At the YWCA of Central NJ, 232 East Front at Church Street. Tickets: $15/person ($30 at the door), $10/students and seniors. Group rates available. Info and reservations: (908) 756-3500 x115 or visit the website at, where you can see a video trailer and visit their Facebook page.
Got an event to publicize? Click here and send me the details. STATE 2009 Races --
Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice notes signs of space available at 212-16 Park Avenue. Maria notes the district is working on the swine flu issue and points to the upcoming 'Raisin' production (also see calendar below). Olddoc comments in full on the budget and the IT discussion by Council. Assembly Green posts on 'The Swine Flu and our medical neighborhood'. xxx.
Tomorrow - April 30. 7 PM. Neighborhood House 70th Anniversary Celebration. Friends and supporters of the preschool and social services agency will gather to honor Pat Fields, Donald Van Blake, the Rev. LaVerne Ball and Wilson Memorial Union Church. At Snuffy's Pantagis in Scotch Plains. Tickets: $75/person, can be purchased at Neighborhood House, 644 West 4th Street.
Friday - May 1. 7:30 PM. Murder Mystery Fundraiser. An evening of fun solving a murder mystery and supporting a good cause. Proceeds provide tracking devices to seniors at risk of wandering who are registered with the Somerset County Office on Aging. Light hors d'oeuvres. At The Chelsea, 274 King George Road, Warren, NJ. Tickets: $25/person. Info: (908) 903-0911.
Saturday - May 2. 9:30 AM. Liberty and Freedom. What makes us a 'free' people? Why is 'liberty' such a big deal? Is American different from any other country? Learn what power you have in the voting booth. Sponsored by Progressive Leadership for Plainfield. In the Anne Louise Davis Meeting Room at the Plainfield Public Library, Park Avenue and 8th Street. FREE.
Sunday - May 3. Noon - 5 PM. 30th Annual Pet Fair. Petting zoo, face painting, games with prizes, live music, pony rides and refreshments. Exhibitors range from pet services to clubs to animal rescue organizations. Several competitive events for dogs. Admission: $3/person, children 6 and under FREE. At Trailside Nature & Science Center, 452 New Providence Road, Mountainside. (908) 789-3670 or visit the website at
Monday - May 4. 7:30 PM. City Council Agenda Session. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue. (Parking and entry at rear of building.) Public may speak at end of meeting.
Wednesday - May 6. 7 PM. Zoning Board of Adjustment. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue (parking in lot at rear of building). Public invited.
Thursday - May 7. 8 PM. Planning Board. City Hall Library. 515 Watchung Avenue (parking in lot at rear of building). Public invited.
Friday thru Sunday - May 8-10. Play: A Raisin in the Sun. Lorraine Hansberry's classic in a production by M.Power Performing Arts, directed by Alrick Brown. Exciting theater, locally produced. Times: Friday, 8 PM; Saturday, 3PM and 8 PM; Sunday, 8:30 PM. At the YWCA of Central NJ, 232 East Front at Church Street. Tickets: $15/person ($30 at the door), $10/students and seniors. Group rates available. Info and reservations: (908) 756-3500 x115 or visit the website at, where you can see a video trailer and visit their Facebook page.
Got an event to publicize? Click here and send me the details. STATE 2009 Races --
Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice notes the drama around the budget's passage last night. Maria notes Plainfield's 'power and ego saga at its best' and apologizes to PEP, as well as linking to Upward Bound. Olddoc notes the budget saga closes, pseudo-ly, and offers pix of Jerusalem. PEPtalk thanks attendees at last night's BOE reception. PSN notes Justice come up short against Queens.
Today - April 28. 6:30 PM. Citywide Block Association Meeting. Getting reorganized. At: United Presbyterian Church, 525 East Front Street (across from Richmond Towers, parking in rear).
Thursday - April 30. 7 PM. Neighborhood House 70th Anniversary Celebration. Friends and supporters of the preschool and social services agency will gather to honor Pat Fields, Donald Van Blake, the Rev. LaVerne Ball and Wilson Memorial Union Church. At Snuffy's Pantagis in Scotch Plains. Tickets: $75/person, can be purchased at Neighborhood House, 644 West 4th Street.
Today - 10 AM - Noon. Annual Parade of the Children. From City Hall to Library Park. Daycare and preschools from around the city join in a parade and celebration at Library Park. Refreshments, entertainment, awards.
Today - April 27. 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Meet & Greet the New BOE. Sponsored by PEP: Parents Empowering Parents. At Washington Community School, 427 Darrow Avenue. (Parking available in the Spooner Avenue lot.) All are invited!
Today - April 27. 8 PM. City Council: Special Budget Meeting, IT Discussion. A special meeting includes a public hearing on the budget amendments at which the final budget 'may be' adopted -- with two months remaining in the fiscal year. The long-planned Information Technology discussion will follow. At City Council Chambers/Courthouse. Watchung Avenue and East 4th Street. Public may speak on the proposed budget and amendments.
Tomorrow - April 28. 6:30 PM. Citywide Block Association Meeting. Getting reorganized. At: United Presbyterian Church, 525 East Front Street (across from Richmond Towers, parking in rear).
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Be sure to check out fellow Plainfield bloggers: Bernice covers the planting of the community butterfly garden at Grace Church. Maria finds Parkside/Lakeview and Pemberton neighbors cleaning up Cedar Brook Lake. Olddoc takes up comments on the PMUA and charter schools. PSN covers Queen City Baseball action, noting a Dodgers win.
Tomorrow - April 27. 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Meet & Greet the New BOE. Sponsored by PEP: Parents Empowering Parents. At Washington Community School, 427 Darrow Avenue. (Parking available in the Spooner Avenue lot.) All are invited!
Tomorrow - April 27. 8 PM. City Council: Special Budget Meeting, IT Discussion. A special meeting includes a public hearing on the budget amendments at which the final budget 'may be' adopted -- with two months remaining in the fiscal year. The long-planned Information Technology discussion will follow. At City Council Chambers/Courthouse. Watchung Avenue and East 4th Street. Public may speak on the proposed budget and amendments.
Tuesday - April 28. 6:30 PM. Citywide Block Association Meeting. Getting reorganized. At: United Presbyterian Church, 525 East Front Street (across from Richmond Towers, parking in rear).
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Plainfield resident since 1983. Retired as the city's Public Information Officer in 2006; prior to that Community Programs Coordinator for the Plainfield Public Library. Founding member and past president of: Faith, Bricks & Mortar; Residents Supporting Victorian Plainfield; and PCO (the outreach nonprofit of Grace Episcopal Church). Supporter of the Library, Symphony and Historic Society as well as other community groups, and active in Democratic politics.
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